How to write Negative Testcase?Give ex.

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Harish Kumar Kandikattu

  • Oct 20th, 2005

-ve Test Cases are the cases supplies INPUTS which will definitely results in ERROR CAUGHT EXCEPTION....


     that exception is already take care by the developers then an ALERT  Message (JAVASCRIPT part) indicating errors will be displayed el 

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Harish Kumar Kandikattu

  • Oct 20th, 2005

-ve Test Cases are the Testcases supplies INPUTS which will definitely results in ERROR CAUGHT EXCEPTION....


that exception is already taken care by the developers then an ALERT  Message (JAVASCRIPT part) indicating errors will be displayed


the found errors should be supplied to the developers so that it can be rectified inorder to get full functionality.

+ve Test Cases are the TestCases supplies INPUTS that will completes the process successfully.

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  • Oct 26th, 2005

Negative testing is aimed at showing s/w doesn't work, also known as test to fail.

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Jane Fraser

  • Oct 29th, 2005

Negative test cases are those that test what should not be done, eg. entering letters into a field built to accept numbers (phone number field). to make sure the program gracefully response to the wrong data.

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  • Nov 19th, 2005

negative test cases is a must. only by writing the negative test cases we can find the possible error that user make. test cast should be a fail.

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  • Nov 20th, 2005

Negative test cases are written based on thinking abt AUT in a destructive manner in the sense,what happens if i test the application with irrelevant inputs.

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  • Dec 19th, 2005

we can write negative testcases by expecting the chances where the system or software could fail.For example if user has to enter his date of birth in a text field, then a negative test case could be anything     like nov 32nd which an invalid date and where the system should respond in an error or alert message or else if system accepts that date then it could be a programming error which should be solved.

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  • Mar 23rd, 2006

negative testcase is nothing but checking the system respons by giving wrong input. eg., checking the data field by giving alpha characters.. that means system should not do wat it is suppose to do.

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  • Aug 10th, 2006

We have to write the testcases for wrong input or data and check how the application behaves.

for ex:Username should accept only alphanumeric chars and underscore.

We should check the username field by entering the special chars like ^&^&^.

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  • Aug 14th, 2006

Negative Test cases are very important in order to find simple bugs...

for ex - if the requirement is that the specific field length should be exactly 4 digits, you can write a testcase where the field legth is less or more than 4 so that system will return an error... Negative test cases should result in fail.

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  • Aug 24th, 2006

Negative testing is nothing but here we have to check the testcase by giving the unexcepted inputs e.g suppose the telephone no. field taking only numeric character but we have to check that field by putting the char,alpha numeric,alphabets etc. is that taking or not.that should not take that otherwise there is an error.

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Susanta Behera

  • Sep 30th, 2006

Write the Testcases in such a way that "What's the application is not Suppossed to do" i.e failed criteria

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  • Dec 25th, 2006

Testing aiming at software doesn't work.

For eg: for login in bank application.

Test description: missing enteries in the login field (user name, password).

Expected result should show error message.

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A tester should have test to break attitude, so a negative test case will help the tester to find out the defects easily.

Writing a testcase by providing the inputs exactly opposite to that of the requirements makes a negative testcase.

Negative test cases solves two purposes -
1. Inputs which make the application throw a customized error
2. Inputs for which the application did not plan anything - neither an error nor acceptance - it just behaved in an unexpected manner.

E.g: If the requirement for a text field is to accept only alphabets then a negative test case should provide inputs as special characters,blank spaces and alpha numerals to get the error message. If the error is not displayed and accepted the provided inputs then it leads to the deviation of the exact requirement.

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