What is QA? What is Testing? Are they both same or different?

Testing is subset of QA. Testing is just a phase that comes after coding. But QA is the one that should be incorporated into the entire Software Development Life Cycle.

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  • Nov 4th, 2005

QA and Testing are integral part of the system. Testing is one of the phases in QA. In testing one deals with the detecting errors in behaviour and structure of the coding.

QA ensures desired output of product meeting all the required specifications of the project.

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  • Nov 24th, 2005

QA- it's more over prevention of occurance of  an error in product life cycle  where as testing is detection of  errors in the product and it comes in quality control , so both are differrent

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QA : It is a process of checking in which roles, departments and responsiilities are accomplished successfully as per the guidelines suggested by the quality standards inorder to quality for the product.

Testing : It is a process of execution of program with an intent of finding an error.

Both are diffrent.

Testing menas deviation from the requirement. QA means deviation from the process.

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  • Jan 18th, 2006

QA : Quality Assurance. It measures the quality of the process to  create the quality product.

QC: Quality Control, which measures the quality of the product




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Geeta B.

  • Jan 26th, 2006

QA involves the entire software development lifecycle i.e all the activities which assure the quality of the product or application or a system. It is oriented to prevention of any problems in the system. It involves the following 

Process monitoring

Product evaluation


Monitoring: configuration monitoring, configuration control

Verification and validation

Metrics: Known lines of code or faults per thousand lines of code

Formal test monitoring

And Testing on the other hand involves the operation of an application under controlled conditions and evaluating the results. It is oriented to finding errors or detection. It is a part of QA


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  • Feb 15th, 2006

Quality assurance is the process where the documents for the proudct to be tested is verified with actual requirements of the customers. It includes inspection, auditing , code review , meeting etc.

Quality control is the process where the product is actually executed and the expected behaviour is verified by comparing with the actual behaviour of the software under test. All the testing types like black box testing, white box testing comes under quality control.

Quality assurance is done before and during quality control.


Quality assurance is associated with a process

Quality control  is associated with a procedure

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Ravi kumar

  • Mar 15th, 2006


QA: prove the absence of the defect is called as QA

Tesing : Finding the defect called Testing.

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QA and testing are different.

QA people defines,monitors and improves the software development process.It is oriented to prevention.(i.e) their objective is to prevent the errors or faults.

Testing people will detect the defects.Their goal is only to identify the defects not to fix. 

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Susanta Behera

  • Sep 30th, 2006

QA is static Testing or Unconvenssional Testing processes where as QC or Testing is Dynamic Testing or Convenssional testying Processes

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  • Nov 12th, 2007

QA : The set of support activities (including facilitation, training, measurement, and analysis) needed to provide adequate confidence that processes are established and continously improved to produce products that meet specifications and are fit for use.
TESTING : Examination by manual r automated means of the behaviour of a pgm by executing the pgm on sample data sets to verify that it satisfies requirements r to verify differences between expected & actual results.

In simple words QA - prove the absence of defect ,
Testing - finding the defect.it is the activity to achive the quality

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