What is the basic difference between Product testing and Application Testing?

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d sathya narayan

  • Oct 26th, 2005

product testing is just like black box testing in this u no need to test the coding just u want to see whether the product meets expected with actual but application testing u need some knowledge of software language.


  • Dec 18th, 2005

claer definition of product is ex:software released to the market

whereas application is also a software developed to parlicular client for his requirements. whereas a product is in market for all the people needed.

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Yes application is a software developed to parlicular client for his requirements. whereas a product is for all the people needed.

But In practicle application Testing and Product Testing are same.

1] If someone ask about your project which you have tested that time our reply is our project name--- means our product -- Right?

2] now  if someone ask on which application do you have experience regarding Testing--- our reply is Application by which our product or project has made example JAVA,ASP..... Right?

These two sentence shows that our answer is diffrent but meaning is same because we have tested the same Project which is our product and is developed in JAVA or ASP or any other application. So Application testing and Product Testing are same thing...

Amit Hambarde

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  • Mar 1st, 2006

for product-customer,Application/project-client plays main role.

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  • Sep 29th, 2006

product tesing is nothing but:-

beta tesing means:while developing any product people concentrates on  n. no of people

for example:washing machine

while developing this product client concentrates on n no ofcustomersviews

project testing is nothing but concentrates on  only one client or user requirements

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  • Aug 29th, 2007

Application means specific custumer requirements. Product means overall requirements in the market.

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  • Oct 24th, 2007

Frist you have to know basic difference between product and an project.
A product mean: if you go and purchage a trouser in shop, which means with a size as theymention on it.
A project meen: if you are having a piece of cloth and you have given it to tailor for striching according to your size then it is a project.
so, if you want to test the product, The appl have to test so many time because whenever there is a change on the particular appl
again you have to test it. (It is called as Agile testing sometimes).
According to project testing an appl can be tested until it is stable and project delivered.

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