What is difference between adohc and explore testing

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Mukesh Chauhan

  • Oct 21st, 2005

Adohc testing means verifying and validing non- specification based issues such as testing application loading, button types and user interfaces type. Explore testing means testing one module and proceed to another module testing without following any software requirement  specification etc. By Mukesh Chauhan  Bangalore

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Mukesh Chauhan

  • Oct 23rd, 2005

Adohc testing means verifying non test specification based issues such as testing application loading, button types and user interfaces type. Explore testing means testing one module and proceed to another module testing without following any software requirement  specification etc. By Mukesh Chauhan  Bangalore

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  • Nov 24th, 2005

Adhoc Testing

                  It is testing which doesn't follow any methodology like water fall model,spiral model.

Explore Testing

                  It is a testing which follows the methodology /strategy to meet the customers requirements.

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Rashmi U S

  • May 6th, 2006

Ad-hoc Testing:It is done without any formal testplans and testcases.Tester should have a significant understanding of software before testing it.It is normally done by experienced tester who has got good knowledge of software to be tested.

This testing is also done where software has to be tested in a very less time constraint.

Exploratory Testing:It is done by the testers who has got less or no knowledge about the software which they are going to test.They can use this testing to write testcases.This i sdone at the initial stage of testing.This is majorly done to know the flow of a software.

Lalatendu Das

  • May 10th, 2006

Adhoc Testing: Taken up when 1) when there is time constraint


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Lalatendu Das

  • May 10th, 2006

Adhoc Testing; Its taken up when the testing time is short and the tester has a good understanding of the AUT. Here Testcases are not executed. The tester tests as much functionalities  as possible within the time available.

Exploratory Testing: Here the tester doesn't have prior knowledge of all the functionality of AUT.

He explores the software as he tests and adds on various scenarios to his TestCase Sheet.


  • Aug 22nd, 2007

ad hoc-- User knows about the software very well and he tests it without any specific Test Cases/Plans

explore-- User does not know the S/W very well and he explores the S/W to find its capabilities

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Jagan Mohan Rao

  • Sep 2nd, 2007

Adohc Testing: Testing Application without plan. i.e. we are executing build #2. The period of the build is 7 days. But on third day we go another build #3. Then build #3 is know as Adohc Build. and Exection the test cases on that build are know as Adohc Testing.

Explore Testing: Testing the application with Perticular plan. i.e. we are doing our work with all plans of when we will get a build and when we have to complete the testing of the build and every thing.

Jagan Mohan Rao. Y

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  • Oct 1st, 2007

Ad Hoc Testing: The tester should have basic knowledge of the application. Every attempt is made to make the application fail. This type of testing doesnot follow any testing methodology. Its generally attempted when there is a deadline.

Exploratory Testing: The tester may not have any knowledge of the application. The tester tries to find any basic flaw by slowly going through all the modules in the application. This type of testing is attempted to build knowledge base for any major testing activity in the future.


  • Oct 6th, 2007

ad-hoc testing doesn't follow any metodologies whereas exploratory will follow and get the information from previous and past experiences of the projects.

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Ad-hoc testing is performed after testers have already gained knowledge about an application and have executed their formal structured tests.  The purpose is to use these testers' experience, knowledge and imagination to apply additional ways to discover defects. 

Exploratory testing is performed when there are no requirements available and/or the time allotted for testing has been constricted.  In this approach, testers use past experience to test an application while using good judgment as to what to test and how to test it.  In this approach, testers learn the application while executing their tests and authoring their test cases.  Exploratory testing is best performed by senior personnel who have solid knowledge of the industry and experience with similar products.

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