What is the difference between Web Server and Application Server ?

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  • Sep 28th, 2005

ApplicationServer will take care of all these issues like  Security,Trasaction,MultiThreaidng,Resource pooling ,etc..

In webserver it is not possible..

Simply speaking ==>AppServer=WebServer+EJB container

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  • Oct 3rd, 2005


A Web server handles the HTTP protocol. When the Web server receives an HTTP request, it responds with an HTTP response, such as sending back an HTML page. To process a request, a Web server may respond with a static HTML page or image, send a redirect, or delegate the dynamic response generation to some other program such as CGI scripts, JSPs (JavaServer Pages), servlets, ASPs (Active Server Pages), server-side JavaScripts, or some other server-side technology. Whatever their purpose, such server-side programs generate a response, most often in HTML, for viewing in a Web browser.

Application Server:

As for the application server, according to our definition, an application server exposes business logic to client applications through various protocols, possibly including HTTP. While a Web server mainly deals with sending HTML for display in a Web browser, an application server provides access to business logic for use by client application programs. The application program can use this logic just as it would call a method on an object


  • Oct 13th, 2005

A web server itself is an application deployed inside an Application Server.

As explained in earlier response, a Web Server is a software that serves to access internet or intranet.

It provides HTTP message handling for an application server ( J2EE like Web Sphere).

Application Server is a system that provides the execution enviroment for the entire system.That is the core of network computing / Architechtures.

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  • Oct 13th, 2005


Application Server is used to Deploy an Application and then that application can be accessed using webserver

While WebServer is used to Access web servies through internet or intranet.

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  • Oct 19th, 2005

webserver is used only for jsp and servlets  and for static functionality it has limited functionality and it doesn't provide any security ,persistence and it doesn't support EJB and JMS and JAAS like other functionality

whereas Application server provide all functionalities

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  • Nov 19th, 2005

i want to know the actual diff bet webserver and application server

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  • Nov 23rd, 2005

Web Server & Application Server are different in the following aspects. The Web Server does not support the concept of multi-threading. In Application Server we have features like connection pulling, isolation pulling, multi-threading, and majorly the Transaction feature which is not there in Web Server. An Application Server may include a Web Server inside it.

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  • Jan 5th, 2006

with out webserver support for alternatively we can use application for can u run web application in http protocol. if it is possible why we are using webserver...

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  • Jan 11th, 2006


web server is multi threaded else how can it support servlet threaded model.Obviously application server is multi threaded i agree to that. This cannot be a point of difference between app and web server.

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Web Server ->we can run only servlets ,jsp and html pages but not EJB'S

Example of  web server are Tomcat.

Application Server> we can run servlets ,html and jsp pages and we can also run and deploy EJB's in Application servers which is not possible in webserver


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  • Jan 18th, 2006


Bytheway Tomcat is web container where as Apache is web server....

and Web server doesnot have inbuilt jsp plugin where as Applicatin server has.

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  • Apr 28th, 2006

hello sir

 iam an mca student studying in bharathiar university,coimbatore. i want all interview questions about core java and j2ee concepts because iam more interest in java so please send it to me

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  • Jun 5th, 2006

Could you please give an example for application server

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  • Jul 1st, 2006


1. It will process all HTTP request

2. It supports to deploy .war files only.

3. It supports multithreading

4. It doesn't support load balancing, clustering

5. It doesn't support connection pooling and thread pooling. Developer have to write coding to support this features.

Application Server:

1. It supports HTTP request thro Webserver.

2. It supports to deploy .war and .ear files

3. It gives Load balancing, clustering, Performance, highly availability and scalability.

4. It supports Multithreading, JNDI, Connection Pooling and Thread pooling

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  • Sep 13th, 2006

Web-server : * 3-tier architecture * It contains only 4-containers(Servlet Container, JSP Container, Applet to Server Container, Applet to Client Container)App-server: * n-tier architecture * along with that 4 containers it contains EJB container.

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  • Sep 28th, 2006

There is a progression in servers.

There is Apache, which is a "web server" or "http server", and can only serve html pages, images, and you could also add intelligence to the website by adding cgi code (in perl or php). Otherwise its mostly a file server. But then sometimes a cluster of apache servers are used for load balancing at the front end, and requests could be redirected to different application servers based on some criteria.

Then there is Tomcat, which is technically a "servlet container" - this can do all that apache does because it contains apache internally, and it can also support servlets and jsp pages.

Then there are application servers like websphere, weblogic, etc.. which can do all that apache does and also support "ejbs".. and since the support ejbs, they also support a variety of other things, like security, authentication, transaction, resource pooling..

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A. WebServer = Serves static content using HTTP protocol serving HTML pages + images.

It is like a file server.

It is does not support multi threading.

It supports cgi scripts like PERL.

Example: Apache Web Server.

B. Servlet/JSP container = Serves multi threaded programs like servlets and jsps.

This container is interfaced with WebServer. Webserver is configured to redirect the HTTP requests to Servlet container.

Example: Tomcat Servlet container

C. Application server = A + B + J2EE Container

Supports transactions, security, clustering etc.

Example: Weblogic, Websphere etc.

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Ashish Sharma

  • Nov 10th, 2006

A WebServer does not interacts with database

but an application server interacts with database.Thats why its called as application server.

This is major difference. 

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  • Nov 10th, 2006


Web Server

Application Server

Protocol support


HTTP + others


Html pages viewed under web browser

Html pages + other






Weblogic, Websphere, Jboss etc

On the whole


Web Server + EJB container


Could be extended to support dynamic Http responses when plugged-in with servlet container. Here it support multi-threading

Supports Connection pooling, multi-threading, Transactions, Security features



  • Aug 9th, 2007

Example  for the Application server is WepSphere Application Server (WAS)

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ravindra reddy

  • Aug 28th, 2007

Weblogic server is an example of Application server.

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The Main differences
Web Server is to handle http requests, thats why, it some times called http server. It deals mainly with the static content. Well, the app server can also serve the http requests and can serve the static content. Then whats the difference, as others said, app server is a robust J2EE/ or whatever the tech is, implimentation of the specification, which contains lot many services, and deals with lot many otherthings like adopters, etc.
In the process of doing so, it will be easy for the implementators to divide static from dynamic, becasue of the cost of running application server is very high, in view of the resources it need on the hardware etc. So, its an architecture, which implements, static content on http server and dynamic content along with its business logic on the app server. Another thing is, Balancing load, ip spraying capabilities etc. Load Balancing is done in different levels. Load Balancer to web server (servers) to app server (servers).

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1) Web Server handles only Http Protocals , where as application server can handle any type of protocols .
2) Webserver just provides the infrastruture for executing servlets, it is not provide any third party features like transaction , connection pooling , clustering where as application server can provide all these features .
3)In webserver we can't run the EJB, whereas in application server we can run the Ejbs.

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  • Aug 6th, 2008

In simple terms Web Server is a part of Application Server.
So ApplicationServer = Webserver + EJB container

so it means Webserver cannot run EJB'S but ApplicationServer can run.

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  • Sep 2nd, 2008

Web server and application server both are supported but depends on client requirement. If client requirement is small application, we can just use web server otherwise application server has to be used, that is why this point is considered.

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  • Sep 2nd, 2008

Web server that can listen for the web clients requests(i.e web protocal message) understand request it (i.e resolve the web protocal message) and prepares web protocal specific reponse message for the client. Web server does not provide any third party vendor. Where as application sever supports any protocol, it supports J2EE applications but J2EE applications does not support web server. Application server may include a webserver inside.

Application server = web server + EJB container.

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Web Server basically handles the request only for the static pages for example HTML, image (Apache Web Server
But Application Server is developed on the pattern of J2EE requirement which can work on JMS, JAXP, JNDI, EJB and also dynamic web contents eg. Weblogic, Java Web Start and WebSphere, JBoss

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Webserver serves pages for viewing in web browser but application server provides exposes busineess logic  for client application through various protocols

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-> Webserver contains web container to develop web based applications
Application server contains web container, EJB container.
-> Webcontainer is used to develop
web applications
-> EJB container used is used for developing of distributed
-> Webcontainer does not deal complex logic based distributed
applications because it does not contain middleware services, middle service means
additional services (security, JDBC connectionpool, transaction) that are
applicable on our application.

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