What is sticky bit?

When this is set on a directory, only the file in that directory can be removed or renamed if:
1. User owns the directory
2. User owns the file
3. Super User

Questions by sridhar_madadi   answers by sridhar_madadi

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers

  If a directory is writable and has sticky bit is set, files within directory removed or renamed only if one or more following is true:

        - The user owns the file

        - The user owns the directory

        - The file writable by the User

        - The user is "root"

    chmod 1777 project_dir

The sticky bit is displayed as the letter t in the execute field  for 'others'.

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  • Jul 2nd, 2006

The Sticky Bit is a special permission that protects the files within a publically writable directory.

If the directory has the Sticky Bit set, a file can be deleted only by the owner of the file, the owner of the directory, or by root. This prevents a user from deleting other users? files from publicly writable directories.

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Mohammed Mujahid

  • Feb 2nd, 2007

It is apply to files and directories.The user who has created the file/directory only he and root can delete others can not delete the directory.

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It is the one utility in Solaris, by this we need to restrict the users to delete the files & dir in the file system (mount point). Only the authorised users can access.

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nidipa dias

  • Nov 3rd, 2016

Sticky bit is the special permission for files and directories.
If we set sticky bit to one file or directory, the owner of the file/directory or the root user only have permission to delete or rename the file or directory.

For example:
/tmp directory in the Linux system that can be used by different Linux users to create temporary files. Now, what if an user accidentally or deliberately deletes (or rename) a file created by some other user in this directory? In that scenario we can use sticky bit.

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  • Jul 3rd, 2017

When user is the owner of the file, in that case user will able to delete the file

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