Is it compulsary that a tester should study a Design Document for writing integration and system test casses

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Uttam Panda

  • Sep 28th, 2005


It is compulsary for a tester to study the Design Document for writing integration and system test cases, as from the Design Document only u can know the data flow of the project, which can be easier for u track the issues why the test cases are failing more efficiently. 

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  First of all i wanto to tell to all , According to my knoledge 'Integration Testing' is not done by 'Test Engineer'.But if there is a chance to Test Engineer to participate in 'Integration Testing'.

 Next,it is a must to study both Functional Requirement Specification and Design Document to conduct System Testing.

One more thing for a type of 'Adhoc testing' or 'Exploratory Testing' it is not must to study the design document.

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  • Mar 4th, 2006

hi srinivasulu,you have told that the test engineer will not do the integration testing,but you haven't told that who will take a part of it ,could you please explain the way a test engineer will handle the integrstion testing.with regards,l.ravi kumar

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shiva reddy

  • Mar 12th, 2006

HI all ,

 some time Testers also participate in Integration testing By using Grey Box testing techniques , at that time , he should have some Technical Knowledge .

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  • Mar 28th, 2006

integration testing is low level testing. low level consist of unit testing and integration testing . mostly low level testing is done by developer.but if this job is assigned to tester then he must study design documents becos design document gives complete flow of system , details of modules connected to each other.

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  • Apr 6th, 2006

Let me explain, the different type of testing. First, low level or unit testing should be done by the developer. Next, usually the type of testing that goes on is functional or what some have coin is component testing. Then, after the functionality of the code has been verified... you will begin what is call integration testing. Which with integration testing there is the hardware and software is integrated to begin to shake out the defects in the system. At sometime other have referred to this as integration/system testing or end-to-end testing.

So please refer to low level or unit testing which is call white box testing or code base testing for future reference.





  • Apr 6th, 2006


   If your definition of Grey box testing relates to backend aka database testing. Then at that respect the tester should be familar with the technical aspect of the requirements and design of the application they would be testing. But to put it more bulk the tester should understand the requirements and design in order to test the product more efficient. How else could one really verify the correctness of the product.

Please understand

Software Testing is a process used to identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developement.

Actually. testing can never established the correctness of software, as this can ony be done by formal verification (and only when there is no mistake in the verification process)

Therefore, software testing can only find defects, not prove that there are none.   ---  Only if Software Quality Assurance is done.



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  • Apr 19th, 2006

Hi Interested,

                     I am agree with ur answer, but u only explained what is integration testing. Can you explain briefly is it neccessary to study the Design document for the tester.

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  • Jul 4th, 2006

Hi All, Goodevening

I am New to this site. I saw some interesting points here. If I'm not wrong, here is my view for this question.

I say Yes for this question. Because for understanding the flow of Product/Project, we have to go through the design completely. Better if we go ahead like that. We can identify and find the bugs easily while testing and we get good ideas of look n feel also. We can suggest if any thing wrong at the time of design. 

If answer is no means, We can do without design also, but it is difficult to get all the test scenarios and cases to evaluate the ideas.

If any thing wrong in plz let me know correct views...



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  • Jul 12th, 2007

If the plan is to ensure all the functions work properly(Functional testing), the design knowledge of the system is not required.  The thorough requirement analysis is important in this case.  Must ensure that all the boundary conditions are checked.

This test driver developement may be done before the actual developement of the system.  
This functional testing is again called as Black box testing.

In White box testing (Structural testing) internal design is also to be verified.

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A Software Design Document (SDD) is intended to coordinate the efforts of a large team under a single vision by outlining all parts of a software and how it will work.  It contains data design, architecture design, interface design, and procedural design. 

Yet, the answer to the question depends on the nature of the program under test.  In most cases, if I were managing a team of testers and a Design Document was an available reference, I would certainly make studying this document compulsary.  

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