How to test data loading in Data base testing

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  • Sep 28th, 2005

Using with Query analyser.

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  • Jan 21st, 2006

You have to do the following things while you are involving in Data Load testing.

1. You have know about source data (table(s), columns, datatypes and Contraints)

2. You have to know about Target data (table(s), columns, datatypes and Contraints)

3. You have to check the compatibility of Source and Target.

4. You have to Open corresponding DTS package in SQL Enterprise Manager and run the DTS package (If you are using SQL Server).

5. Then you should compare the column's data of Source and Target.

6. You have to check the number to rows of Source and Target.

7. Then you have to update the data in Source and see the change is reflecting in Target or not.

8. You have to check about junk character and NULLs.


  • Aug 8th, 2006

Hello Brahmesh,

your answer was very descriptive.Thanks for that

But would also like to know how you check the "compatibilty" of the source and target,whilst doing data loading tests.A quick response will be highly appreciated.


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  • Apr 18th, 2007

Target and Source tables respective columns data type must same..

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  • Jun 11th, 2007

Hi All,

Data Loading represents Loading a data from a source table to target table based on business logic. This is also called as Extraction, Transformation and loading (ETL).

For doing this there are lots of tools like Informatica, Data stage, Abinitio and so on...

Now I will explain with an example:

If ur Source table has emp_id, Emp_name, Emp_salary,Emp_dept ,Emp_location.
The target table has emp_id, Emp_name, Emp_salary.
Business logic : you have to load the target table for those employees whose salary > 20,000

So, for this a query or Stored procedure will be written

Now we have to test the Stored procedure..

By executing the Sp check the following

1. Check the number of fields the source and target table has
2. Intially before running the SP check whether the target table is empty
3. After executing SP, Check whether the records of employees whose sal>20,000 are loaded
4.Check whether the loaded records are as same as source table records.
5. Check for Null values or some junk values
6. Check the number of records loaded in the target table with COUNT keyword in Oracle


Based  on situation
    1) before running the script, count how many record that has,
       after running script, count how many records it has
         based on difference betweeen those count, we can say, how many records were inserted
   2) step 1 is not suffucient, to make conform all data is inserted. With the help of step 1, we can come to know howmany record are inserted.
            we should check indivedual field in source and destination has same

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