GUI contains 2 fieldsField 1 to accept the value of x andField 2 displays the result of the formula a+b/c-d where a=0.4*x, b=1.5*a, c=x, d=2.5*b;How many system test cases would you write

Showing Answers 1 - 11 of 11 Answers


  • Sep 19th, 2005

From my knowledge

by using boundry value analysis ,we will give the maximum value to X and minimum value and maximum value +1 and minimum value -1


  • Oct 5th, 2005

1) put x=0;2)alpha characters3)alphanumeric characters4)SPecial Characters(blant space ,$,^)5)natural num,integer num,decimal num,irrational


  • Jun 22nd, 2006


Positive (to match System Out)

Fill the Field 1

Expected :Field 2

Negative (to catch exceptions No Crash)

Fill the Field 1 with non calculative expression

Expected: Field 2

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Manoj Kumar

  • Aug 24th, 2007

The field must be accepted numerical values.
The field must be accepted alphanumerical values,
It must be accepted decimal or other usable spl character,
it? must be accepted positive or negative values,

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As per my knowledge we have to write the following test cases
1. Test case for validating the value of X according to SRS.
Write test case for displaying error message if we give other than valid value for X
Then write the test case to test the value for field2

Here I've some doubts.
1. If entered data into field 1, if the field2 automatically
calculated and shown the ans without clicking any button then I can write the below functional cases.
2. And what is the necessity of writing the system test cases here?
I think we can write only the functional test cases.

a. Showing the validation message for blank field1
b. Field1 should not accept the null values and zero values
c. If focus is came to field2 then it should calculate the value using below formula using field1 value.
    a+b/c-d where a=0.4*x, b=1.5*a, c=x, d=2.5*b;

d. Again enter one more value into field1 and observe the field2 value has to be changed

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I would first examine the technical specification to determine the value range for x.  I would verify the number of decimal places that the input number can have.  Let's assume that the number can have only one decimal place (ex: 1.0).  Then I would author test cases that exercised the program at the lower and upper boundaries as follows:
TC1: Input lower limit value for x
TC2: Input lower limit value -.1 for x
TC3: Input lower limit value +.1 for x
TC4: Input upper limit value for x
TC5: Input upper limit value -.1 for x
TC6: Input upper limit value +.1 for x

I would also author validation test cases such as:
TC7: Enter alpha characters in input box (ex: a, b, c; A, B, C)
TC8: Enter special characters in input box (ex: @, &, %)

I would author edge cases:
TC9: Enter nothing (null)
TC10: Enter numbers for c and d that produce zero in the denominator

I would review the functional requirements to determine the purpose of the application and understand how it is to be used.  Then I would author test cases that verify these functionalities:
TC11: Verify instructions are properly displayed below the input box
TC12: Verify result appears in proper text and format

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