What is seviority and priority?

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  • Sep 6th, 2005

sevirity is how sever is the functionality effected by the bug(or mismatch) 
Priority is how quickly the bug should be fixed ( require the fix) 

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  • Oct 6th, 2005


Severity means Technical(i.e if the application is shuts down,when we perform one function in the Application,the severity level is high)

Priority means Bussiness(If we are going to deliver a build,in that build defect may be low severity,but the Priority is high.)

Severity only decided by the tester.Priority will be decided by the PM.

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  • Oct 6th, 2005


Severity means Technical(i.e if the application is shuts down,when we perform one function in the Application,the severity level is high)

Priority means Bussiness(If we are going to deliver a build,in that build defect may be low severity,but the Priority is high.)

Severity only decided by the tester.Priority will be decided by the PM.

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severity: How bad is the impact of a bug on the application.Generally,determined by the tester.priority: How important it is to fix the bug.It is decided by the developer.

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  • Sep 11th, 2006

Seviority:The seriousness of defect interms of functionality.High:Manditory to resolve and urgentMedium:Manditory to resolve but not urgentlow:May or May not to resolve.priority:The i mportance of defect in terms of need to customer.Ex:High., medium. low sudhakar kolla.If you have doubts can ask me.My Email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.My Number:09819859346.

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Sevierity And Priority this two words are provide different meanig in testing.but both are having inter relation with each one.

here we are taking sevierity.It repregents level of impact of bug to u r application. Eg: User not posible to Make Add Operation.

Calculated Points For Sevierity:

1.calculate no of functional area effecte dby the bug.

2.count total amount of code is effect

3.No forms effected

this things we calculate through Tracebility Matrix.Base of it effect we are giving sevierity.

Prioerity:--- It is how much Importence to solove the bug.above exaple i am not posible any operations during the bug .It is High Importency.So Priorityis goes To High to the bug.

nessary bugs solving as base on it sevierity is prierity.


  • Feb 23rd, 2007

seviority :: the term seviority means the serious-ness of the bug.it shows the conditions of the bug.

Priority :: the term priority means the scheduling of the bug.it will tell vn to perform or vn to resolve the bug.

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  • Sep 20th, 2007

Seviority : defines the importance of defect with respective to "Functional point of View".

Priority : defines the importance of defect with respective to "Customer point of view"

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  • Dec 12th, 2007

Severity : Impact of bug on the application . How is it effecting the project.

Priority : Whech bug should be solved first in order to benefit the system process.

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