What is walkthrough and inspection?

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  • Sep 7th, 2005

Walk through is unformal review or meeting whereas inspection is formal review or meeting.


  • Sep 7th, 2005

Walk through is an informal run thru of the code whereas inspection is a formal testing where the application is checked against requirements 


  • Sep 11th, 2005

Walkthrough is an informal meeting for evaluation, usually no preparation is required for this.  Inspection is a method that deserves careful consideration by any organization concerned with the quality of the product they ship.  It is a formalized method of improving a work product by continually measuring it against standards and requirements.

Walkthrough is there for both Testing and Coding.

Walkthrough for testing means brief review of documents, Testcases, Test script etc.

Walkthrough for Coding means review the coding for whether the Developer follows the Coding standards or not.

Insepection is job of Quality Control (QC). He can conduct Insepections and Audits on the project at any time to check whether the process is going on correctly or not.

I will tell y one example for Test Engineer, QA, QC

Take an Examination Center: In that

  ---> Test Engineer is Examiner

 ----> QA is sitting squad

 ---> QC is a flying squad   Srinivasulub1981@yahoo.co.in

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Prasad Meduri

  • Feb 13th, 2006

Walkthrough: is a formal review:

we can discuss/raise the issue at peer level say-- fellow devoloper/tester.

Also walkthrough does not have minutes of the meet. can happen at any time and conclude just like that, no schedule as such.

But inspection is a formal approach to the requirements/schedule.

Atleast 3 - 8 people will sit in the meeting 1-reader 2-writer and 3-moderator + concerned..

Inspection will have a proper schedule which will be intimated via email to the concerned devoloper/tester.

It contains a track of the situation,

what for we met here??

why it is delayed? / why the resource is free??

how we can complete it? so that  the schedule can be successful.

So definitely the PL/PM will be part of it, or any Sr.Engg will be part of it on be-half.

It contains proof reading.

One will read through his work done / proposal for the upcoming task( code/testcase/design) what ever he has done in the time(depends on the frequency of Inspection company to company it may change)

writer will note down the issues discussed/ to be done.

Moderator(s) have to comment out his/her opinion.

That's how inspection happens.

As it is purely systematic and well maintained, tracking of the effort done by the individual and the approach can be functionally will not be an issue for the PM.

Thanks for your patience.

If i deviate/neglect/forget/ blahblah.. kindly reply asap




The author of the material being reviewed facilitates walk-Through. The participants are led through the material in one of two formats; the presentation is made without interruptions and comments are made at the end, or comments are made throughout. In either case, the issues raised are captured and published in a report distributed to the participants. Possible solutions for uncovered defects are not discussed during the review.


A knowledgeable individual called a moderator, who is not a member of the team or the author of the product under review, facilitates inspections. A recorder who records the defects found and actions assigned assists the moderator. The meeting is planned in advance and material is distributed to all the participants and the participants are expected to attend the meeting well prepared. The issues raised during the meeting are documented and circulated among the members present and the management.



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  • Apr 12th, 2007

A walkthrough is an informal meeting for evaluation or informational purposes. Little or no preparation is usually required.

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In a walkthrough,the programmer who wrote the code formally presents(walks through)it to a small group of five or so other programmers and testers.The presenter(programmer) reads the code line by line explaining what the code does and why.the reviewers listen and qustion anything that look suspicious.After the review presenter write a report telling what was found and and how he plans to address any bugs discovered.
Inspections are the most formal type of reviews .They are highly structured and require training for each participant.Inspections are different from walkthroughs in that the person who presents  the code ,the presenter or reader not original programmer.the other participants are the inspectors.Each is tasked with reviewing the code from a different perspective a user,tester or a product support person

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amit ku das

  • Sep 28th, 2007

Walk through is a informal meeting conduct by quality assurance people. In this they can see all the coding standard and also follow them in manually.
Inspection: It is conducted by third party.

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Walk through : It is unexpected or informal meeting(we dont expect the meeting agenda)

Inspection: It is expected meeting (or) Formal meeting. In this meeting we can discuss like  1) status of the projects 2) Any Ship ages 3) Any Doubts

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  • Feb 20th, 2010

Walkthrough is a step by step presentation by the author of the document inorder to gather the information and to establish a common understanding of its content.

Where as Inspection is type of peer review that relies on visual examination of documents to detect defects e.g violation of the development standards and non conformance to high level documentatiuon.


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  • Oct 20th, 2010

Walkthrough is an informal meeting whereas inspection is a formal meeting

For walkthrough no preperation is necessary
but for inspection preperation is necesary. 

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It is a meeting to explain the functionalities work,and what the process is in the designed application..

An inspection is a formal meeting, typically consists more than 3-10 people.The purpose is to see what is missing and not to fix anything and the result is documented in a written report.

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An inspection is more formalised than Walkthroughs,typically it involves 3-8 people including moderator,reader & recorder to take the notes.The subject of inspection is typically a document such as req. specification or test plan,and the purpose is to find problem and see what's missing ,not to fix anything

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  • Oct 4th, 2012

Inspection is where the testers are made to understand the application and its functionalities .
In walk through meeting the documents like business requirement doc, design documents were distributed with the team to check if any of the specification were missing with in the documents (testers review if any of the specifications were missing ) what ever the specification were missing it will be recorded by scribe or recorder.

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Baisakhi Saha

  • Aug 15th, 2013

Walkthrogh: Very informal type of review or testing method. Done by peers, so its called peer review.

Inspection: very technical type of review or testing method, done by the highly technically sound people.

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Eugene Serman

  • Jul 23rd, 2014

Walk through is informal review or meeting and inspection is formal review or meeting.

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Muhammad Tarek

  • Jul 23rd, 2014

Walkthrogh: Very informal type of review or testing method. Done by peers, so its called peer review.

Inspection: very technical type of review or testing method, done by the highly technically sound people.

Walkthrogh IS informal type of review or testing method. Done by the team lead, so its called peer review.

Inspection: very technical type of review or testing method, done by the highly technically sound people.

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roman kim

  • Jul 25th, 2014

Walkthrough is a step by step presentation by the author of the document inorder to gather the information and to establish a common understanding of its content.Where as Inspection is type of peer review that relies on visual examination of documents to detect defects e.g violation of the development standards and non conformance to high level documentatiuon. Regards Roman Kim

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  • Sep 26th, 2014

Inspection Walkthrough
Formal Informal
Initiated by the project team Initiated by the author
Planned meeting with fixed roles assigned to all the members involved Unplanned.
Reader reads the product code. Everyone inspects it and comes up with defects. Author reads the product code and his team mate comes up with defects or suggestions
Recorder records the defects Author makes a note of defects and suggestions offered by team mate
Moderator has a role in making sure that the discussions proceed on the productive lines Informal, so there is no moderator

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  • Oct 15th, 2015

Walk-through means reading a document from beginning to ending.
Inspection means searching a document for specific factor.

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  • May 6th, 2016

Walk through is a informal meeting. It is led by author and he/she will guide the participants as per his/her thought flow. All the documents will be reviewed to identify the errors & flaws in a document .
Where in Inspection is a formal meeting, done by the moderator. During this meeting the documents will be prepared & checked thoroughly by the reviewer before meeting. If they find any defect they will document it.

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  • Oct 7th, 2016

Walkthrough is generally an informal process, initiated by the author of the document. It is done mainly with the objective of providing information and gathering suggestions for improvement..

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