What are the different types of QA Methodologies which are practiced in the QA industry?

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Anonymous Tester

  • Oct 2nd, 2007

QA methodologies are the approaches followed in any QA process.
There are many QA mathodologies like the standard Waterfall SDL based on the standards laid down by the IEEE, CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) based on the guideline of the SEI, V-model, Incememtal model, RUP (Rational Unified Process), Agile Method of Software Develoment, Test-based development method, Rapid Action Development model etc.

If you look up online, you will find details of each.

Hope this helps.

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  • Jan 21st, 2009

Is really dependent on your environment.

1. First, pick the methodologies that worked with your environment (e.g. Agile, scrum, waterfall. etc)
2. After that, setup the framework like (Unit, Acceptance, System, Integration, regression, automation & performance).
3. On the same time, review
specification, design test plan, testcases, approve process). For test case or test plan, you can something like test management tool (e.g. Test Link, Test Run, Seapine TCM, HP Test
Director). For setting up the test frame work (e.g QA Manager checkout open source website.  There
are lot tools that available for you to do that job).  For test automation (Ruby, Jmeter, Jprofiler..etc)


  • Mar 11th, 2010

There are many different testing technologies, some are old, some are new, some are revisiting earlier methodologies and giving them new names. There are different types of testing for different stages in development. Some are integral to the development process, others done throughout the development process are various stages and some tests after development and beyond. With that said a few methodologies off the top of my head and paraphrased in my own interpretations meaning others are free to clarify or correctme if I am perceived to be in error in any aspect or detail:

Bench Testing:? This is when a developer tests the code on their own machine
Unit Testing: ?testing the smallest possible unit
White box testing: testing code logic
Black box testing: Replacing the user behind the keyboard with automated testing

Regression testing: Testing to make sure new code does not break existing functionality, often done with automated testing but can be done manually as well.
Test Driven development (TDD): ?An Agile methodology that brings testing in at the very beginning of the development cycle with a testing harness ensuring the program is tested often. Issues and defects should be found early in theory meaning better results at release.

Functional testing: ?As the name implies, does the program do the intended function.

Boundary testing: Testing to check boundary conditions such as what happens if I try to put more characters in a field than the field supports? What happens if i use special characters in a field that does not support special characters? etc.

Smoke test:? A preliminary test usually done by development prior to sending to QA, similar to bench testing but usually on another machine other than the developers. This is a good candidate for automation and goes with regression testing.

Load testing: This is to test scalability and is usually done with an automated tool. Most load testing tools test web only though some also test client server.

Alpha Testing: A common testing phase in software development here the software is feature complete but not necessarily functionally complete, usually proceeds Beta testing. Alpha testing is often only an internal testing by the Development team and QA team.

Beta Testing: Late stage prelease testing where software is usually testing by a wider audience including customers prior to the official release of the product version. A Golden Master or Release Candidate is often the last version of the Beta prior to release.

This is just a small sampling of some common testing methodologies and terms. There are various institutions, organizations and commercial companies that purport to have and support their own methods such as CMMI, Six Sigma, Lean Software Development, Rational Unified Process, etc. depending on the needs of the company different methods and methodologies may apply. One thing all methodologies should have when implemented is the ability to handle change as change is the only thing you can be certain will happen no matter what you are testing.

The following models are the most common methodologies used in the Qa industry.
1. water fall model or the traditional method.
2.staged model or the incremental model.
3. v model
4.prototyping model or the evolutionary development.

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Marty Ward

  • Jul 27th, 2012

Agile, Scrum, Waterfall - NONE of these are QA methodologies. They are development methodologies, huge difference. QA (quality assurance) is concerned with continuous improvement of processes, and defect prevention. CMMI, ISO 9000, and Six Sigma are QA methodologies.

Nancy Timmer

  • Nov 16th, 2014

black box testing box, testing software for verification and validation

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  • Jul 6th, 2015

White-box testing, black-box testing. and gray-box testing are NOT methodologies.
These are simply three parts of an application that need to be tested (as appropriate/relevant to the specific application under test). Although these three pieces are each tested differently, this does not make them methodologies.

Please dont post an answer that is incorrect- incorrect responses only add confusion. The point here is to clarify and enlighten - not complicate. Make sure you know what you are talking about if you are going to post an answer. TY.

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  • Jul 27th, 2015

Methodologies are basically software models which we follow in our testing process. Example: Agile methodology, Waterfall model, V model etc

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  • Aug 14th, 2015

MelaniePM - you are incorrect on this. They are most certainly methods of testing and, as such, quality as testing methodologies. Agile and scrum, however, do not qualify as testing methodologies.

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  • Apr 10th, 2016

The answer need to be detailed one.

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Saranya Bharathi

  • Apr 27th, 2016

Hi chitta,
You said the testing types not the methodology

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  • Oct 6th, 2016

There are many different testing technologies, some are old, some are new, some are revisiting earlier methodologies and giving them new names. There are different types of testing for different stages in development. Some are integral to the development process, others done throughout the development process are various stages and some tests after development and beyond. With that said a few methodologies off the top of my head and paraphrased in my own interpretations meaning others are free to clarify or correctme if I am perceived to be in error in any aspect or detail:

Bench Testing: This is when a developer tests the code on their own machine

Unit Testing: Testing the smallest possible unit

White Box Testing: Testing code logic

Black Box Testing: Replacing the user behind the keyboard with automated testing

Regression Testing: Testing to make sure new code does not break existing functionality, often done with automated testing but can be done manually as well.

Test Driven Development (TDD): An Agile methodology that brings testing in at the very beginning of the development cycle with a testing harness ensuring the program is tested often. Issues and defects should be found early in theory meaning better results at release.

Functional Testing: As the name implies, does the program do the intended function.

Boundary Testing: Testing to check boundary conditions such as what happens if I try to put more characters in a field than the field supports? What happens if i use special characters in a field that does not support special characters? etc.

Smoke Test: A preliminary test usually done by development prior to sending to QA, similar to bench testing but usually on another machine other than the developers. This is a good candidate for automation and goes with regression testing.

Load Testing: This is to test scalability and is usually done with an automated tool. Most load testing tools test web only though some also test client server.

Alpha Testing: A common testing phase in software development here the software is feature complete but not necessarily functionally complete, usually proceeds Beta testing. Alpha testing is often only an internal testing by the Development team and QA team.

Beta Testing: Late stage prelease testing where software is usually testing by a wider audience including customers prior to the official release of the product version. A Golden Master or Release Candidate is often the last version of the Beta prior to release.

This is just a small sampling of some common testing methodologies and terms. There are various institutions, organizations and commercial companies that purport to have and support their own methods such as CMMI, Six Sigma, Lean Software Development, Rational Unified Process, etc. depending on the needs of the company different methods and methodologies may apply. One thing all methodologies should have when implemented is the ability to handle change as change is the only thing you can be certain will happen no matter what you are testing.

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  • Feb 1st, 2017

Most popular methodologies that we are using now a days are agile, scrum etc.

Here I want to tell you all that there is a lot of difference in test levels, test types, test techniques
Test Levels
Unit testing
Integration testing
System testing
Acceptance testing

Test Types
Functional testing (unit,integration,system, acceptance )
Non Functional testing (Performance/load/stress, usability, config, recovery, reliability)

Testing Techniques
White/transparent/ glass box, Black Box, Gray Box
Testing methodologies (about 10 to 15 methodologies)
Scrum, agile,RUP, RUP, Iterative, Spiral, Waterfall and XP

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  • Feb 22nd, 2017

I hope those are all testing types not the methodologies

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Lina Ostoukh

  • Jul 4th, 2017

Well this is a broad question, and it will differ from company to company. According to QA Mentor for example test coverage can be grouped into:
- Functional Testing
- Non-Functional Testing

Then there are other subgroups like:
- Manual testing
- Automation testing

Or you can go about engagement models
- Dedicated teams
- Hybrid model
- Proof of concept Model
- etc.

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