How do we do the correclation?

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Marianne Olabode

  • Sep 29th, 2005

  1.  Establish items to be correlated (dynamic value)
  2.  Find the left and right boundary of the occurrences of the dynamic value
  3.  Add a web_reg_save funtion to parameterise all occurrences of the dynamic value- text between the left and right boundary.(Remember the escape character where necessary in the boundary names)
  4.  Replace all occurrences of dynamic value with parameter name in curly braces
  5. .Replay to verify correlation was successful


1. Scan for correlation - this gives you a list of data that need to be


1 Compare two scripts recorded identically, using windiff determine the differences(Dynamic Value) that will require correlation

2. Assuming our application under test has a book flights business process, and two recordings of the book flight process have entries for their Flight Numbers as below and we have determine the value to be correlated is Flight Number: Flight_210 and Flight_212(in the vugen script).

"Recording A - Name = Flight_210" ,"Value=on", ENDITEM,

"Recording B - Name = Flight_212" ,"Value=on", ENDITEM


Use the "Control +F" Search for all the occurrences of "Flight_210" in the Server Response Snapshot of Recording A( go to - TreeView -->Server Response Snapshot).

Search for the number of occurrences of your left boundary until you find your dynamic value. This number of occurrences is passed to the web_reg_save function as the ORD.


3. Add the web_reg_save_Function("Parameter Name", "LB= <left boundary>", "RB=<Right boundary>", "ORD=<no of occurrences from above>").


 4. Replace all occurrences of dynamic value with parameter name in curly braces.

5.  Replay to verify correlation was successful.

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