Suppose there is a search spec on BC, and Applet both. explain the execution of this scenario?

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  • Aug 2nd, 2005

when u consider the performance then its better to write on applet side because the BC deals with data base and if write there it will kill ur perfomance.hope its clear

the applet search specification will be appended to business component search specification. the applet search specification will fetch the records which, have been fetched from the database by business component with its search specification.


  • Dec 16th, 2005

Its true....the search spec of applet will be APPENDED to that of the BC and will be executed.

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suppose, you have a hierarchy like

1. automobiles

2. cars, bikes

3. maruthi, TATA, Honda and Bajaj, Honda, LML

you are storing all the automobiles infromation in some Product table.

you will have different BC's for cars and bikes with their SearchSpec as Type = 'Car' and Type = 'Bike'

you are using three applets for cars which have Maruthi, TATA, Ford. for these applet SearchSpec will be some Make = 'Honda'

then this applet will get the Honda records from its BC (it'll contain all cars records).

**if this applet Search Spec overrides the BC Search Spec then, it will fetch all the Honda make automobiles they will include both cars and bikes. **

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  • Feb 10th, 2006

See Siebel configuration Planning is Top to Bottom layer but Implementation / execution is bottom to top .ok

B.c search over-rides with Applet search spec..



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  • Feb 18th, 2006

Why not reference Siebel Tools Ref in the bookshelf ?  Shouldn't be any argument on this since it states clearly on page 487 :

"An applet search specification cannot be used to override the search specification of the underlying business component, if the business component has one. Rather than overriding the business component?s search specification, the applet?s search specification is appended  to that of the business component. Search specifications should appear in the business component or the applets that use it, but not both."

It goes further to explain that the data manager converts the applet search spec to a WHERE clause while forming the SQL at runtime.



  • Mar 23rd, 2006


it's true

bc search spec appended with applet search spec

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  • May 12th, 2006

This is v. good example.

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  • Sep 23rd, 2006

Yes it Append Searchspec is working with where condition only if bc have on search expersion and List Appple have different Search Experssion it will append two search Experssion like and operation it will both answer

but List Applet have one Search Experssion and Foem Applet Have Different Search Experssion in this case List Applet Search Experssion only working and Form Applet Search Experssion will hide



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  • May 5th, 2007

        if you give search spec in Applet as well as BC.then BC will fetch data from database first of all. then Applet search speck will fetch the data from BC. so if  Applet search spec is not match with BC search spec then it will skipped. BC level search spec will override

Thank you

YOrus pals

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Firstly it will filter from application onwards, if there search spec in both applet and BC. It will execute search spec on applet firstly and BC.

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  • Feb 24th, 2010

If it is on the same field then it will return a null result. If you have a search spec on field1 on bc and search spec on Field 2 on applet then it perform AND operation it gives the result.  

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  • Jan 31st, 2015

It Appends... not override !!
You would get a finer filter for the applet (BC search spec + Applet search spec)..

And Yeah, you must not define the same search spec on both BC and Applet.. If you did, then duplicate joins may occur in SQL..

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  • Feb 22nd, 2018

Search specification of BC will be applied first.
on the filtered records, applet search specification will be applied.
basically both the search specification will be ANDED

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