What are the different scripting languages you could use when working with QTP ?

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Phani Kumar

  • Jul 26th, 2005

VB Script Using in QTP

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Rahul rathan

  • Jul 29th, 2005

Venkat does QTP recognise VB & JS code. I am not sure. 
You can also write scripts using Windows Scripting Host.

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  • Sep 14th, 2005

vb script

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  • Oct 16th, 2005

This will also support java script, but i hve not tries refer Quick test plus help for each function they have give code in vbs and js.

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  • Dec 22nd, 2005

Do you Know how to use JSCRIPT in QTP.If so please let me know the procedure.

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Dharmesh Jasani

  • Jan 26th, 2006

You cant use JScript in QTP.

You can run your java script (.js) and vbscript (.vbs) using Windows Script Host engine. So its not related to running JScript in QTP. You can only run VBScript in QTP.



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  • May 5th, 2006

you can write your QTP automation programs in any Languages and development environment that supports automation

For example: you can use: VBScript,javaScript,Visual Basic,Visual C++, or Visual Studioi.Net

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  • Sep 12th, 2006


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  • Dec 29th, 2006

In QTP we use VB Script

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manjunatha H.S

  • Apr 4th, 2007

Only VB script

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devendra singh

  • May 3rd, 2007

Only VB script is used QTP for Scripting

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  • Jun 2nd, 2007

   I think we can use only VB Script in QTP. Can you support your answer that how we can use other languages.

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  • Jun 28th, 2007

We can use vb script as default, if we can add any language in add-in manager then we can use different languages also like .net .....

if this is wrong please tell the correct
Thank You

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  • Jul 18th, 2007

Mainly it generates the code in the vb scripting language and next what ever the applications?we can use to test with QTP it is converted on that particular languages.For example: >Java script, PERL script language, shell script language...etc

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  • Jul 24th, 2007

You can use Java script as well as VB Script in QTP. I have worked with both. For JavaScript you need to capture the objects in object repository. You can change the properties if u want.

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  • Aug 18th, 2007

VB is the scripting language.

QTP supports not only VB, VC++, Java, HTML, etc. but also .Net, XML, SAP, Multimedia, Oracle applications

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  • Aug 22nd, 2007

TSL language can be used while connecting between QTP & Winrunner

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  • Aug 23rd, 2007


VB is the scripting language used in QTP.
And regarding the Add-in's, they are used to recognize the objects for different applications.
eg: For Java Application, Java Add-in is used.

So, I think its not that Java script is based on the Java Add-in.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


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  • Oct 18th, 2007

Only support Vb Script because it is interpreted language which only support by QTP

and J Script is compiled languge like C ,C++ thats are not suppote by QTP

remember only interpreted language support by QTP i.e. Vb Script

more information at  ashok2007_india @ yahoo . co . in

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  • Oct 30th, 2007

 I am sure that, VBScript is default scripting language for QTP.


    Please discuss about only scripting language
(not other languages or environments like .Net and JAVA. I feel using other languages in QTP is depend on Add-Ins. So, that is the different concept).

If u know which SCRIPTING LANGUAGE  supporting  by QTP? Please let us know the process. 


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  • Oct 31st, 2007

QTP is unicode and platform independent.

Unicode: supports any language in universe.
supports any platform .

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  • Nov 2nd, 2007

Some of you are not understanding (or reading) the question.

What SCRIPTING languages you could use when working with QTP?

The answer is VB Script.

The SCRIPT that QTP generates when you record an action is in VB SCRIPT. To make modifications to this script, you must use VB SCRIPT.

get it?

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  • Jan 28th, 2008

Guyz, lets end up this discussion.
QTP strictly uses VB Script only.
No other language can be used in Expert view
Windows Host script (WSH) can be executed from QTP, and also the WinRunner scripts. But you can do them in some specified manner, not just copying the script and pasting in Expert view.

Jscript ref are given in QTP help. But, they are present there due to Microsoft's VB reference.

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If you want to write the code in Javascript, you need to add the Java plug ins in Addin Manager,
For Java we need to purchase the java addin License.
we can write the scripts in XML,Word doc also for these we need to purchase the individual license

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  • Jun 8th, 2010

By default we use VB Script as the scripting language in QTP but we can also use JavaScript, Java or even XML, to use them we need to do the following:

If we want to write the code in JavaScript we need to add the Java plug-ins in Addin Manager
For Java we need to purchase the Java Addin License.

We can write the scripts in XML Word doc also for these we need to purchase the individual license.

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