What is Database testing?

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  • Jun 28th, 2005

here database testing means test engineer should test the data integrity, data accessing,query retriving,modifications,updation and deletion etc

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  • Jul 14th, 2005

Database tests are supported via ODBC using the following functions:  
SQLOpen, SQLClose, SQLError, SQLRetrieve, SQLRetrieveToFile, SQLExecQuery, SQLGetSchema and SQLRequest.  
You can carry out cursor type operations by incrementing arrays of returned datasets.  
All SQL queries are supplied as a string. You can execute stored procedures for instance on SQL Server you could use ?Exec MyStoredProcedure? and as long as that stored procedure is registered on the SQL Server database then it should execute however you cannot interact as much as you may like by supplying say in/out variables, etc but for most instances it will cover your database test requirements

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  • Aug 25th, 2005

Data bas testing basically include the following. 
1)Data validity testing. 
2)Data Integritity testing 
3)Performance related to data base. 
4)Testing of Procedure,triggers and functions. 
for doing data validity testing you should be good in SQL queries 
For data integrity testing you should know about referintial integrity and different constraint. 
For performance related things you should have idea about the table structure and design. 
for testing Procedure triggers and functions you should be able to understand the same. 


  • Sep 10th, 2005

to test the values retrieving from database by the application are corrctly matching with the information stored in original database.


  • Sep 30th, 2005


I think that the above answer is not correct?

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  • Oct 4th, 2005

Data base testing generally deals with the follwoing:

a)Checking the integrity of UI data with Database Data

b)Checking whether any junk data is displaying in UI other than that stored in Database

c)Checking execution of stored procedures with the input values taken from the database tables

d)Checking the Data Migration .

e)Execution of jobs if any

Please correct me if I am wrong:




  • Nov 7th, 2005

suguresh Wrote:


I think that the above answer is not correct?

Then what is the answer?

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  • Nov 30th, 2005

Testing the backend data bases like comparing  the actual results  with expected results.

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  • Dec 5th, 2005

step1. Create a DSN for the data base.db_connect("dsnname","connection string");db_execute_Queary("session id","SQL Statement",outvariable);db_disconnect("session id");

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  • Dec 27th, 2005

Database testing :What ever the input we give in the client side ,we will be verify the that .how it's refelected in the database .is it going into the correct table .it's verification of datawhich every we give in the client side

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  • Jan 2nd, 2006



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  • Jan 2nd, 2006



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  • Jan 5th, 2006

hithis is swamyby using data base check points(spcify sql statement) ordb_connect("query",...........);

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  • May 1st, 2006

?      Verify the data in the database wrt front end transactions.

?      Verify the constraints, joins, views, indexing, imports and exports

?      Verify the performance of the stored procedures by executing them in query analyzer and checking the execution time in SQL Profiler.

?      Verify the execution of triggers

?      Verify the transaction

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The exact process is

1) connect to the database
db_connect("query1",DRIVER={drivername};SERVER=server_name;UID=uidname;PWD=password;DBQ=database_name ");

2)Execute the query
db_excecute_query("query1","write query u want to execute");
-Condition to be mentioned-

3)disconnect the connection


Don't hesitate to ask me questions.




Cognizant Bangalore

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sujeesh krishnan

  • Jul 29th, 2006

By using MS Query in winrunner we can  execute SQL

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  • Nov 8th, 2006


Basically in Database testing to check,
1.Data integritity and validaty testing.
2.Any strored procedure written.
3.Execution of Triggers and constraints.
4.In WIN RUNNER,Query Analyzer Option is Available For Execute SQL Query.



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Actually when we talk about Database, we consider DDL and DML.DDL is data defination language. and DML is data manipulation language.When we do database testing we will use DML to test database. Anything we can done using DML we will do in database testing.

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praveen kumar

  • Jan 9th, 2007


    In database testing we test the impact of front end operation on backend tables.

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Hi..Database tests are supported via ODBC using the following functions: SQLOpen, SQLClose, SQLError, SQLRetrieve, SQLRetrieveToFile, SQLExecQuery, SQLGetSchema and SQLRequest. You can carry out cursor type operations by incrementing arrays of returned datasets. All SQL queries are supplied as a string. You can execute stored procedures for instance on SQL Server you could use ?Exec MyStoredProcedure? and as long as that stored procedure is registered on the SQL Server database then it should execute however you cannot interact as much as you may like by supplying say in/out variables, etc but for most instances it will cover your database test requirements A sample database test could look like this: Sub main ' Declarations ' Dim connection As Long Dim destination(1 To 50, 1 To 125) As Variant Dim retcode As long Dim query as String Dim outputStr as String connection = SQLOpen("DSN=SblTest",outputStr,prompt:=3) ' ' Execute the query query = "select * from customer" retcode = SQLExecQuery(connection,query) ' retrieve the first 50 rows with the first 6 columns of each row into ' the array destination, omit row numbers and put column names in the ' first row of the array retcode = SQLRetrieve(connection:=connection,destination:=destination, columnNames:=1,rowNumbers:=0,maxRows:=50, maxColumns:=6,fetchFirst:=0) ' Get the next 50 rows of from the result set retcode = SQLRetrieve(connection:=connection,destination:=destination,columnNames:=1,rowNumbers:=0,maxRows:=50, maxColumns:=6) ' Close the connection retcode = SQLClose(connection) End Sub

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  • Jun 11th, 2007

Hi All,

According to my Knoweldge

Database testing: This can be explained in two perspective

           1. Checking  the front end Application with the backend data by using Queries in the backend such as SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE..

For example: For login Page you have to check whether the user id and Password exists in the database and then only the user is capable to login to the home page

        Select * from <Login_Table> where User_name ='abab' and Pswd='ghjh**';

Likewise checking the front end Application corresponding to backend..

          2. Database Testing: It represents testing whether you are able to create tables, triggers, stored procedures, constraints, Indexes in the database and testing the performance of database.

My question is Whether a tester without the knoweldge of front end like JAVA.. Can test the Webapplication according to the backend?

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  • Jun 17th, 2007

Basically database testing related to front end to back end data migrating and intigrety. we have to check whatever insert, delete and update from front end and what effect on back end. Any editable field on fornt end but not update in back end so we have to check every data from front to back. It any query than revert back.


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P.Ranjith Kumar

  • Aug 26th, 2007

Database testing involves mainly
1. When a record is inserted in the front end checking whether the record is inserted in the corresponding tables correctly in the back-end.

2. Whether the field size validations are done according to the requirements in front-end as well as back end.

3. Testing the performance of the stored procedures.This is done by calculating the time taken to execute the stored procedure.

4. Primary key,foreign key validations are done correctly.

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  • Jun 25th, 2011

Database testing means test engineer should test the data integrity, data accessing, query retrieving,modifications, updating and deleting etc

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Database testing mainly checks three things while testing :

1)Addition/Update data : In this scenario we are checking weather we the data is updated or added to the database when we do any modification in the front end.

2)Deletion :In this scenario we are checking weather the is deleted in the database when we do any deletion in the front end. Note : In most of the case the data in the DB is not deleted instead it changes a specific column (like ROW_STATUS)from 1 to 0. To avoid risk if need of future use of the same.

3)Retrieve : In this scenario we check weather the data in the DB is retrieved when we ask for in the front end.It checks for the section of data from the DB .

Note : DB testing manually indulge use of Query.

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Pawan Kumar Singh

  • Jun 5th, 2012

Database testing involves the tests to check the exact values which have been retrieved from the database by the web or desktop application. Data should be matched correctly as per the records are stored in the database.

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  • Sep 26th, 2014

Database testing is nothing but impact on db with respect to impact on front end users operation.

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