How to Test database in Manually? Explain with an example

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Murali Raj

  • Aug 21st, 2005

Question : How to Test database in Manually? Explain with an example. 
Ans :  
Observing that opertaions, which are operated on front-end is effected on back-end or not. 
The approach is as follows : 
While adding a record thr' front-end check back-end that addition of record is effected or not. 
So same for delete, update,...... 
Ex:Enter employee record in database thr' front-end and check if the record is added or not to the back-end(manually).


  • Oct 4th, 2005

We should also check the non editable fields thru database

for example,

If a field is non editable via front end, then the user should not be allowed to add a record thru database also

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  • Jan 5th, 2006

No, I don't agree with this Explanation.

To check the data in the database in simply functional testing which is usually done through interface.

Database testing is actually testing the procedures for locks, Imports and Exports, testing DB server which is usually done by a DBA.

Gangadhar Nidudavolu

  • Jan 6th, 2006

Database can be tested various ways,

If we are usein SQL server then opne the SQL query analyzer and write the queries to retrieve the data. Then verify whether the expected result is correct or not. IF not the data is not inserted into database.

We can play with queries to insert, update and delete the data from the data base and check in the front end of the application.

IF it is Oracle then open the SQL plus and follow the same procedure. Most of the time we find invalid data.

Same way we can test the stored procedure in sql query analyzer and check the result. 

How to test means , Through SQL quary we can test manually, how , i will tell see the below exmple with out using check point we can test.

)connect to the database
db_connect("query1",DRIVER={drivername};SERVER=server_name;UID=uidname;PWD=password;DBQ=database_name ");

2)Execute the query
db_excecute_query("query1","write query u want to execute");
-Condition to be mentioned-

3)disconnect the connection

IF any clarification let me know.



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  • May 8th, 2006

Dear Sir,

  I dont have any idea about SQL Quries... Then how can i test the Database manually?



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  • Oct 9th, 2006

hi nitya,u can test DB in many ways and there are different approaches in Oracle and SQL erver 2005.Sql server is an easy approach to test ur DB. The simplest way is that You have SQL profiler in SQL server which lists down all the DB transaction done against the DB server once you are done with your application the just you can go and track down all the quires and SPs involved for your application and you can cross verify them in the quiery analizer.Or else ethere is a long process like U need to have acess to your webserver where in you can do some white box testing on the asp or jsp file and track down all the SPs or tables involved and then go to the DB manually verify all the SPs and track down where updations insertions deletions are done and then once you test ur application with test data agaian fire all the quires you tracked down you can find your data in DB.


  • Jul 3rd, 2007

Database testing - manually, can be done with the help of SQL queries.
Now people might ask, if we have to write queries. How is it manual in any way?

I say, everyone & everything has a right or wrong perspective, which one you choose is upto you. But generally DB testing is done by writing SQL queries and then validating those against the requirements.

I have seen guys, checking data types manually by clicking and opening every table in SQL Server when this can be done by a simple select statement.


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  • Jul 23rd, 2007

Database testing is a process working with data that's stored in the database. If we change anything in the frontend and backend then what will the effect on the database. E.g. An?table which has stored the records of students name, roll no., class and sections etc. if we delete the students?name?in front end then what's effect in database. Wheather we test the student name deleted or not from database.


  • Aug 24th, 2007

While doing Functional Test:

From the front end do the Transaction like, creating new order, update order, delete order, then login into the data base and check the related table to see if the order has been inserted, updated or deleted.

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  • Oct 10th, 2007

Please clarify, if the manual database testing can be done without SQL queries or they are the mandatory steps....or is it true as stated above "From the front end do the Transaction like, creating new order, update order, delete order, then login into the data base and check the related table to see if the order has been inserted, updated or deleted.
"????? Am vry cunfused

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  • Nov 15th, 2007

Data base are checking manually means by executing the query and checks the db content that's it . With query it auto mated and without query it is manual who told that, question it self wrong .
I mean DB testing is always done manually . If the query is passed into one fixed tool and execute the query more than once it is called automated other wise it is manual checking only.

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Observing that opertaions, which are operated on front-end is effected on back-end or not. 
The approach is as follows : 
While adding a record thr' front-end check back-end that addition of record is effected or not. 
So same for delete, update,...... 

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  • Feb 10th, 2008

 If we are performing the database testing Manually. Then definitely the method we are
using as Blackbox Testing . In Black box Testing we only need to test all incoming data values to our Database and all out going datavalues from database and in same the state of the database.

            Example: In your Login Form If you are entering the Username , password , it must be effect to your login table inside the database. But you have to see the Result manually by opening the table.

If you are using the whitebox method then you need to test all the triggers,stord procedure,DAO, and all incoming and outgoing data values.



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I am not wrong in understanding ur question. Here is the answer for the same.

If u are trying to insert data through ur UI, then there might be some stored procedures, functions and triggers involved in inserting data into those data tables.

Testing if these procedures, functions are working properly when worked indipendently.

Example: If there is a stored proceder insertdata() with arugments "enam, empno,deptno" and l try to execute it "exec insertdata('EMP',100,10)"

if the above procedure is able to insert the data into different table that it is supposed to do then the procedure is working FINE.

This also would be one of the answers. Correct me if l am wrong.


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This is Srinivas who posted answer previously.... there is a small correction in that answer....

The first sentence is "If l am not wrong......."

Sorry for not doing self review :)

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While testing the database manually,
         we used to follow two steps.
       1) manually 2) by writing sql queries
               example. if suppose i want to test empname 'babu' is inserted in the emp table for the empno=10;
         procedure 1) manually you should go for the table emp and see the data 'babu' is existed for the empno=10;
         procedure 2)
                   select ename from emp where empno=10;

genarally  the people go for the first procedure when they don't know about the sql     

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  • Jan 12th, 2010

I think database testing evolves the testing of the data that we retrieve from database by writting queries. So to implement the database one must be proficient with writting queries.

Another point is that with database we may actually correlate the data on the UI with the data in the backend for e.g. if we update the login credential of an user on UI then it should be updated in DB.

So, I would say database testing is another level to validate the data and application.

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Testing a database can involve a combination of black-box testing and validation of the database using queries.  One example would be to verify whether data is beling properly validated and then checking in the database that constraints on data are performed on particular tables or columns within tables as opposed to using source code where it is much less efficient. 

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  • Sep 15th, 2015

Database testing involve testing data in backend, database testing can be done using SQL queries

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  • Jun 9th, 2017

If data is not inserted into table then how will you test? Can you please help me?

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