What are the table contents in testplans and test cases?

Showing Answers 1 - 26 of 26 Answers


  • Jul 10th, 2005

Test cases:- steps,titles,input parameters,expected results and comments

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  • Jul 20th, 2005

Testcases basically consists of 3columns->Testcase Number,Testcase Description,Pass/Fail.Each and every scenario has to be considered in the tescase description and should be updated in the process of software development.Testcases can be Functional testcases,Boundary testcases,Invalid Testcases.

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Deepa Sadula

  • Jul 20th, 2005

Testplan: Sequence in which testing should be done based on the Requirement Documentation. This Ordering is done based on the PRIORITY of how the component to be tested effects the software devlopment.

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Deepa Sadula

  • Jul 20th, 2005

Testplan: Sequence in which testing should be done based on the Requirement Documentation. This Ordering is done based on the PRIORITY of how the component to be tested effects the software devlopment.

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  • Aug 19th, 2005

Test Plan is a document which is prepared with the detials of the testing priority. A test Plan generally includes: 
1. Objective of Testing 
2. Scope of Testing 
3.Reason for testing 
4. Timeframe 
5. Environment 
6. Entrance and exit criteria 
7.Risk factors involved 

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  • Sep 1st, 2005

test case contents: 
test case id 
test case name 
step no.,step description, expected result, actual result, pass/fail, defect id, and remark 

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  • Sep 8th, 2005

Teat cases:Test case ID,Test steps,Expected result.actual result,Result(pass/fail),Remarks.

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  • Sep 26th, 2005

test plan contains the following points they are




4.risk and medigation

5.entry and exit criteria

6.human resource


8.delivery etc.,

test cases contains

1. serial no.


3.Test discription

4.Test data

5.s/p basis

6.exepected and actual result


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  • Nov 15th, 2005

whitebox testing and blockbox testing

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  • Nov 17th, 2005

whtit box is a appearing process block boxtesting doesnot appearing.

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  • Feb 10th, 2006

the contents of a test plan are:

1.objective of testing



4.entry criteria

5.types of tests to be conducted (eg:smoke,sanity,usability,exception,performance)

6.testing techniques used

7.risks involved


9.required number of resouces

10.exit criteria

The contents of a test case varies from company to company.but the important contents that any test case should posess are:

1.serial number

2.test description

3.test condition

4.actual result

5.expected result



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mamta dharmik

  • Mar 3rd, 2006

Test case consists of following fields:

test case id, test case name, condition, steps, actual result, expected result, pass/fail criteria.

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  • Mar 17th, 2006

A test Case would contain

  1. Test Case ID
  2. Testers Name
  3. Prerequistes
  4. Step no
  5. Steps to be Executed
  6. Expected result
  7. Actual Result
  8. Test Pass/Fail

A test Plan would contain

  1. Test plan Identifier
  2. Introdution of the planning activity
  3. Schedule
  4. Risk Factors
  5. Enviromental needs
  6. Deliverables:- test cases, Test logs, test harneses, test beds, Test suites etc
  7. Roles & Responsibilities
  8. Approch of the team towards testing
  9. Features to be tested/ Not to be tested
  10. Pass/fail Criteria
  11. Suspension/Resumption criteria
  12. Authority

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  • Apr 8th, 2006

hai joshna,

thn q for ur answer on table of contents in testplan and testcases,

can u through some light on wht r  test beds

thn q

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  • Apr 14th, 2006

Test plan:

1. Scope of the project

2. Objective of the project

3. Goals of the project

4. what we need to test? when we need to test? why we need to test?

where we need to test?

5. Time measurements.

6. entry criteriya exit criteriya

7. deleveriables.

8. purpose

9. resources

10. Tools per automation

11. requirements per test

12. when to stop testing

13. Risk issues


Test Case contents:

1). Test case No:

2) precondition:

3) Description/test steps

4) Test data

5) Expected result

6) Actual result

7) status

8) defect Id

9) comments

10) test case designer name & date

11) Test case reviewer name and Date of review

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  • Apr 16th, 2006

IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation(ANSI/IEEE Standard 829-1983)This is a summary of the ANSI/IEEE Standard 829-1983. It describes a test plan as:?A document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended testing activities. It identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, and any risks requiring contingency planning.?This standard specifies the following test plan outline:Test Plan Identifier: ? A unique identifierIntroduction? Summary of the items and features to be tested? Need for and history of each item (optional)? References to related documents such as project authorization, project plan, QA plan, configuration management plan, relevant policies, relevant standards? References to lower level test plansTest Items? Test items and their version? Characteristics of their transmittal media? References to related documents such as requirements specification, design specification, users guide, operations guide, installation guide? References to bug reports related to test items? Items which are specifically not going to be tested (optional)Features to be Tested? All software features and combinations of features to be tested? References to test-design specifications associated with each feature and combination of featuresFeatures Not to Be Tested? All features and significant combinations of features which will not be tested? The reasons these features won?t be testedApproach? Overall approach to testing? For each major group of features of combinations of featres, specify the approach? Specify major activities, techniques, and tools which are to be used to test the groups? Specify a minimum degree of comprehensiveness required? Identify which techniques will be used to judge comprehensiveness? Specify any additional completion criteria? Specify techniques which are to be used to trace requirements? Identify significant constraints on testing, such as test-item availability, testing-resource availability, and deadlineItem Pass/Fail Criteria? Specify the criteria to be used to determine whether each test item has passed or failed testingSuspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements? Specify criteria to be used to suspend the testing activity? Specify testing activities which must be redone when testing is resumedTest Deliverables? Identify the deliverable documents: test plan, test design specifications, test case specifications, test procedure specifications, test item transmittal reports, test logs, test incident reports, test summary reports? Identify test input and output data? Identify test tools (optional)Testing Tasks? Identify tasks necessary to prepare for and perform testing? Identify all task interdependencies? Identify any special skills required? Environmental Needs? Specify necessary and desired properties of the test environment: physical characteristics of the facilities including hardware, communications and system software, the mode of usage (i.e., stand-alone), and any other software or supplies needed? Specify the level of security required? Identify special test tools needed? Identify any other testing needs? Identify the source for all needs which are not currently availableResponsibilities? Identify groups responsible for managing, designing, preparing, executing, witnessing, checking and resolving? Identify groups responsible for providing the test items identified in the Test Items section? Identify groups responsible for providing the environmental needs identified in the Environmental Needs sectionStaffing and Training Needs? Specify staffing needs by skill level? Identify training options for providing necessary skillsSchedule? Specify test milestones? Specify all item transmittal events? Estimate time required to do each testing task ? Schedule all testing tasks and test milestones? For each testing resource, specify its periods of useRisks and Contingencies? Identify the high-risk assumptions of the test plan? Specify contingency plans for eachApprovals? Specify the names and titles of all persons who must approve the plan? Provide space for signatures and dates

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Parcha Kiran

  • Jun 7th, 2006


Following can be the table contents in a test case

1.Step #


3.Input Data

4.Expected Result

5.Actual Result


Following can be the table contents in a test plan

1. Project Title

2. No. of Modules

3.No of Processes

4.Identified Users

5.Expected Man Power Time

6.Risk Ananlysis

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  • Jun 11th, 2006

Generally Testplan and Test case formats has different contents with respect to their quality standards.

We have contents like

Test Plan Contents:

1. Objective 2. Scope 3. Referential materials (BDD,UCD,WF) 4. Test items 5.Features to be tested 6. Features not to be tested  7. Test approach (Types of testing to be done on Application in Sequence) 8. Pass/Fail Criteria 9.Test Deliverables (Defect profiles, Test Summary Reports, Test Execution Reports) 10. Testing tasks 11. Responsibilities & Roles 12. Test Schedule 13. ENvironmental Requirements 14.Risks & Contigencies 15. Change management process

Test Case Contents:

1. Test case id 2. Category(Fun or UI) 3. Feature Description 4. Prerequisite 5.Test description 6. Input data 7. Expected Result 8. Actual Result 9. No. of test case combinations 10. Actual Result 11. P/F status 12. Defect ID 13. Build No.

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Test Plan : Plan prepared with a test scope, test objective,test approach and test schedule for all the builds in the project or for a specific build/version.It mainly consists of how to test?,when to test?,where to test?and who to test?.IEEE 829-1983 standard test plan consists :

Test Plan ID,Introduction,Test Items,Features to be tested,Features not to be tested,Test Environment,Testing Tasks,Features pass/fail conditions.Testing suspension situation,staff training needs,test approach,schedules and signature.

Test case contents :

Test Case Number,Created By,Created On,Executed By,Executed On,S.No,Description or steps to perform,Test Data,Expected,Actual,Priority,defect number etc. 

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Ananthan A M

  • Jun 20th, 2006

Testplan is contains Up to bottom including system enviroinment and why we need testing, which platform we use, and project cost.

Test case contain expected value , actual result and test discription then test condition.

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  • Jul 31st, 2006

Test case includes
Test case id,
test steps,
action of i/p,
expected result ,
action of i/p,
actual result,
Test plan includes
Test plan ID
Test plan description
Test design ID
test case name
H/w requirements
S/w requirements
features to be tested
features not to be tested.
Application under test module of an application
Entry criteria
Exit criteria
Risk analysis
Test requirements

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  • Oct 11th, 2006

As of i know "Defect id" is ofter the "step no"  

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Test plan contents

  1. Identifier
  2. Introduction
  3. test items
  4. Featured to be tested
  5. Features not to be tested
  6. approch
  7. passfail criteria
  8. suspension and resumption criteria
  9. test deliverables
  10. testing tasks
  11. responsibilities
  12. environment
  13. schedule
  14. staffing and training
  15. risks and contigencies
  16. approval

Test case contents

  1. id
  2. method
  3. objective
  4. feature description
  5. step no
  6. step description
  7. input
  8. expected result
  9. actual result
  10. bug id
  11. build no

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Anand Amalan

  • Dec 18th, 2006

Guide for Test case & Test Suit:

A test case is usually a single step, and its expected result, along with various additional piecesof information. It can occasionally be a series of steps but with one expected result or expected outcome.

The optional fields are a test case ID,Description,test step / order of execution number, related requirement(s), depth, test category, author, and check boxes for whether the test is automatable and has been automated.
Larger test cases may also contain prerequisite states or steps. A test case should also contain a place for the actual result. These steps can be stored in a word processor document, spreadsheet, database or other common repository.

A Test Suit: The most common term for a collection of test cases is a test suite.

The test suite often also contains more detailed instructions / goals for each collection of test cases. It definitely contains a section where the tester identifies the system configuration used during testing. A group of test cases may also contain prerequisite states or steps, and descriptions of the following tests.

Collections of test cases are sometimes incorrectly termed a test plan. They may also be called a test script, or even a test scenario.

A test plan is the approach that will be used to test the system, not the individual tests.

Most companies that use automated testing will call the code that is used their test scripts.

A Test Plan Contains:

Test Scope, Objective, Assumption, Risk Analysis, Tools identification, Roles and Responsibilites, Testing methods.


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  • Feb 26th, 2007

Test Case ::

Test Case ID ::
Test Case Name ::
Pre-requisitive ::
Objective ::
 All the above things cumes above of the table.
Now, the table contain--
S.No. ,Description ,Input Action , Expected Result , Actual Result , Pass/Fail

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  • Feb 27th, 2007

A Test plan is a road map that will be followed while testing ,it provides the background information of system being tested,test objectives,test strategy,risk,Schedule,Test Requirement.

A test Plan would contain
Test plan Identifier
Introdution of the planning activity
Test Requirment(S/W,H/W)
Risk Factors
Entry & Exit Criteria
Enviromental needs
Deliverables:- test cases, Test logs, test harneses, test beds, Test suites etc
Roles & Responsibilities
Approch of the team towards testing
Features to be tested/ Not to be tested
Pass/fail Criteria
Suspension/Resumption criteria

Test Case describes tests that needs to be run on the program to verify that the program run as expected.
A test Case would contain

Test Case ID
Steps to be Executed
Expected result
Actual Result
Test Pass/Fail

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