What is merits and demerits of White box and Black box testing?

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  • Jun 8th, 2006

what is whitebox testing?

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  • Jun 12th, 2006


Testing a function with knowing the internal structure it also call as white box testing it takes place in the developers area.


  • Oct 7th, 2006

White box testing is done with the internal knowledge of the system (coding ),where in black box testing this is not required.

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In white box testion we can test the logic but can't say anaything about whether logic fullfill requirement in real.In blackbox we test the requirement is fullfilling or not but can't say anything about logic internal structure.

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White box and Black box testing both are dynamic testing techniques.

White box testing: testing based on the paths and internal structure and implementation of the software under test.Here we r checking the code by some coverage processes.

Black box testing:testing based on the behaviur and functionality of the software. this is also called as functional testing..

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savitha shetty

  • Dec 27th, 2006

  • White box testing is done by taking implementation details in to consideration, where as black box testing is called behavioral testing which is done taking functional requirements in to consideration.

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  • Jan 1st, 2007

White box testing is unot testing conducted by testers.black box testing is conducted by testers.testing mannually or by tools in black box testing. 

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  • Feb 27th, 2007

In Black box testing You test for the functionality of the program,components or application against its specification without knowledge of internal  logic.

InWhite box testingpath of logic in unit or component is known,it consists of testing paths,branch,decision,condition to produce predictable results.

This technique is usually used during tests

executed by the development team, such as Unit or

Component testing,

In Black box testing u cannot test for hidden functions for eg if in a code there is a fucntion that calcualtes x=a=B/n-1
U cannot test for 'n' in blackbox testing

In White box testing you cannot test for missing funtion for eg : whle doing white box testing u cannot test if the tool tip is shown when a cursor moves over a button

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  • Jun 12th, 2007

White box testing based on internal structure/development of code of the application.  Black box testing based on fuctionality of the objects.

In white box testing you actually go thru the program logic. But you never know whether a particular user requirement is being met or not, or whether a particular program functionality has been implemented or not.

In black box testing, you actually verify the user requirement and
you can identify the missing ones. But, if the project is huge, you my not be able to provide all code coverage and the logic, which
you can do in white box testing.

There is a trade-off between white box and black box testing.

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  • Oct 11th, 2007

dear all,

White box testingBlack box testing
1. We will check the coding of the application1. we will test the functionality of the application
2. Testing done be the developer2. Testing done by the Testing team
3. Check the coding of single module3. Check the application for funtionality
4. Other wise know as Gloss boc testing , unit testing4. System testing
5. The modules are not intergrated 5. All the module gets intergrated duning the black box testing


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  • Feb 20th, 2008

In white box testing we basically test the code & see the logic by usin branch coverage , cyclometric complexity , control flow, etc so in this we bsically test the code... that each & every line whichis written while executing that those are running properly or not...what we test is the strcture of the code

but in black box testing we dont bother about the code ...rather than we focus on the behaviour of the application or progrm.. inspide of going in the depth of code we go through the functionality & behaviour of the application...


White box testing is genrally done by the programmers or peer mate or done by the tester who have the knowledge of languages like c, c++ or in which the code is written

Black box testing is genrally done by the independent testing team or by third party  so in this process there may be some communication gap b/w the developer & tester ...

Please correct me if i am wrong....

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