GE Interview Procedure and Written test Pattern

There were two sections, comprising of 50 questions off 60 minutes contains

Section 1 : 20 aptitude questions 

Aptitude section had Critical Reasoning 6 Q's, And General Reasoning 5-6 Q's and General Aptitude. Two Q's from Time and Work and 2 Q's from Chain Rule and 2 Q's from Ratio and proportion and 1 Q's from Time and Distance.

Section 2: 30 Technical questions.

In the technical part 10 Q's from Data Stucutre, 10 Q's from C and 10 Q's from C++. And for your information the test are not as per sheduled, mine was first bath it was shceduled to be at 8.30 but I started to write the exam only after 9:15. So be cool and be prepared with these pattern.

This question is related to GE Interview

Editorial / Best Answer

Answered by: Divya

  • Dec 9th, 2005

Hello friends,

I had my group discussion at GE this week .The group discussion at GE is different than the normal group discussion.Its not general topics which are discussed.Its more of technical.They give few questions which we have to discuss and come to a conclusion.there were a total of 6 questions that were discussed .I am listing them.

1.To proove the given number is not  a factorial of 50.50! a huge number was given with 10 zeros at the last .

2. 2 programs on Print"hello world program" in C with out a semicolon.

3. write a program to print numbers 1 to 100 then 100 to 1 without use of if, for and looping constructs

4 one game was given to program C++ program class which allows only dynamic allocation of its objects. program in C++ was given with error,find the error.

Best Of Luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Showing Answers 1 - 1 of 1 Answers


  • Dec 9th, 2005

Hello friends,

I had my group discussion at GE this week .The group discussion at GE is different than the normal group discussion.Its not general topics which are discussed.Its more of technical.They give few questions which we have to discuss and come to a conclusion.there were a total of 6 questions that were discussed .I am listing them.

1.To proove the given number is not  a factorial of 50.50! a huge number was given with 10 zeros at the last .

2. 2 programs on Print"hello world program" in C with out a semicolon.

3. write a program to print numbers 1 to 100 then 100 to 1 without use of if, for and looping constructs

4 one game was given to program C++ program class which allows only dynamic allocation of its objects. program in C++ was given with error,find the error.

Best Of Luck!!!!!!!!!!!

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