Define the following and explain their usefulness: Change Management, Configuration Management, Version Control, and Defect Tracking.

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Beena Kadam

  • Sep 26th, 2005

Software Configuration Management (SCM) is the control, and the recording that are made to the software and documentation throughout the software development cycle (SDLC). SCM covers the tools and processes used to control, coordinate and track code, requirements, documentation, problems, change requests, designs, tools, compilers, libraries, patches and changes made to them, and to keep track of who makes these changes. 
Tools include Rational Clear Case, PVCS, CVS, VSS and many others

SCM - helps to track the project development and keep a track of the history and changes incorporated with date specifications.
Version Control :- Refers to the build numbers and the features included in each version with reference to the client modifications received and accepted. Depending upon the changes accepted, these are scheduled in either the current Build version or decided to be incorporated in the next Build release. Build version follow the international naming convention as follows :- 01-01-01
"01" The first 2 digits refer to the Build release number by the client.
01-"01"The next 2 digits refer to the internal release number to the client. Meaning before the project is announced the client's internal users check out the functionality. So any changes suggested by the clinet and accepted would be reflected here.
01-01-"01" The last 2 digits refer to the internal version at the place of development. For e.g if an error is found in say Build 01.01.01 and is fixed in the next verison. The build will have the internal version release number as 01.01."02"

Version control helps track the development process in a project along with defect tracking. Also each release number can be associated with features incorporated and the errors foudn and closed int hat version number.

Defect Tracking :- Refers to the tracking of defects with reference to the Build version in which they were found and their status.
For e.g -

Run time error foud in Build V.1.01.02 dt :- 12 Sept 2005

Status Closed in Build V.1.01.03 dt :- 14 Sept 2005.

Major Defects that have been left open need to be tracked so that before deployment their status is closed.

Defects are also tracked so as to form a database for analysis at the time of completing Testing Metrics like - Defect Density etc.

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