Determine the number of syllables and vowel sounds
The names of the inhabitants of Walkie Talkie Land sound strange to the visitors, and they find it difficult to pronounce them, due to their length and a few vowel sounds they contain. The Walkie Talkie guide is discussing the names of four inhabitants - A,B,C and D. Their names each contain upto eight syllables, although none of the four names contain the same number. Two of the names contain no vowel...
Bulbs and switches Puzzle
3 bulbs in the 3rd floor and switches in the 1st floor. You are in in the 1st floor. You have to know which switch belongs 2 which bulb.its not in order.u can go up once an u can switch on once. how will you do it?
Unsolved paradox
Globally, electromagnetic Energy-thermal-flows from a hot body to a cool body/environment as per the Laws of thermodynamics. Then how is it that there is no Outflow of em energy from the earth out despite a well defined down Temperature gradient from the core to the surface and out? as per geophysicists, the earth maintains a strict Radiation balance -- i.e., the earth neither gains nor loses any em...
There are two vessels of same size with water in it and one is 20 degree Celsius and other is 20 degree Fahrenheit. When a coin is put in both vessel which will reach bottom first.
As 20 degree Fahrenheit is definitely a freezing pt, at this time none can be be immersed so at 20 degree Celsius the coin will immerse first
Two prime numbers on our foreheads Puzzle
You and i each have two prime numbers on our foreheads And are told that any three of them form the sides of a triangle With prime perimeter. we take turns stating whether we can deduce the Numbers on our own foreheads. You see 13 and 17 on my forehead and each of us has stated "don't know" on each of our first two turns. It is now Your third turn. what are the numbers on your forehead?
Simple physics balloon Puzzle
Here is a seemingly simple physics problem but is a hard nut To crack. there is a balloon with mass m attached to it. It Is descending with an acceleration a. How much amount of mass should Be removed from the balloon so that it rises with an Acceleration a assuming that there is negligible change in the volume of the Balloon when the mass is removed?
Strings of unequal lengths Puzzle
You have these two strings of unequal lengths. They both take exactly one hour to burn from one end to the other when Lighted at any end. But they do not burn at a uniform rate; some sections Burning faster than others and some slower, in a random fashion, which Cannot be predetermined. Any point on either of the strings, However, burns at the same rate forward or backward, whichever end is Lighted....
king and temple Complex Puzzle
A king ordered his chief architect to build a temple Complex as per his dream. The front straight wall from the entrance to The exit had to be exactly 325 faces of the king. The back wall enclosing The temple had to be semicircular from the entrance to the exit. The Statues had to be embedded in the back wall, such that the king could walk from The entrance to any statue and then from the statue to...
lighthouse tower Puzzle
A lighthouse tower is 300 feet high. It has a central Support column about which winds a spiral staircase with an iron Hand-rail which goes exactly four times around the column. There is one Baluster to each step and since these balusters are just one foot apart it Should be impossible to find how many steps one has to take to get to the top. unless, of course, i hasten to add that the Diameter of...