Deliverables Preparation
What all is included in Deliverables Preparation? When this will be prepared i.e at which point of STLC?
What is the difference between regression testing and retesting ?
1.what is the difference between regression testing and retesting?in which stage a tester undertakes regression testing and retesting? is both of them same.Explain clearly.2.Is functional testing a part of system testing?3.When a build arrives ,what is t
QTP recording
What is the use of recording in QTP?While recording itself we might understand what are the defects.Then what is the need of recording?
Application Scalability
Is the application scalable in terms of software also. If yes then give an example for scalability
What is the difference between functional testcase and non-functional testcase?
Functional testcases targets business goals and non functional testcases targets performance, resouce utilisation, usability,comatibility etc.
Identify and Prioritize test cases
How do you identify and prioritize the most important test cases that must be developed and executed?
Monitor test progress
How to monitor test progress?
Testing Interview Questions
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