Defect Management:Managing the entire process of defect from reporting to the fixing ,It has 4 stages new--->open---->fixed/rejected--->closedWeb testing is n-tier and client -server is 2-tier
CVS is short for Concurrent Versions System, an open-source, network-transparent program that allows developers to keep track of different developemnt versions of source code. CVS does not maintain mu...
Bindu Chebolu
Nov 2nd, 2006
-> CVS is Concurrent Versioning System. CVS is an open source version control and collaboration system.-> CVS is a software package to manage software developement done by several people.-> C...
Fixed Income A type of investing or budgeting style for which real return rates or periodic income is received in regular intervals at reasonably predictable levels. Fixed-income budgeters and investo...
The elements in Defect Report would be Testcase id , Severity, Priority, Module, Platform the application was tested on, Synopsis, Steps to reproduce the bug & finally the reporter of the bug and t...
The key elements in Defect Report and Test case format are the following:They areTest case Id, Defect id.PASS or Fail.Expected and Actual Testingsudhakar kolla,My number:09819859346
Suppose if we want to test the new appl on same s/w and h/w pltforms,inthat situation we use parellel testing.means testing the appl with the similler existing appl,i think this is correct
possible challanges faced by the tester are:change requirements and change requests from clientschanging from one platform to another platformlack of system supportretesting the applicationregression testing
Generally testcases can be write based on usecase doccument(UCD) and usecase diagrams can be drawn based on BDD(business design doccument),BDD,UCD prepared by the business analyst.
Test cases written from use cases made by buisness the use cases only they have described the what is their clients requirements or market requirement(if they are product based company).
Hi, You can write the following test cases w.r.t an electric bulb.#1. Condition of the bulb, where you check for manufacturing anomalies like, cracks, broken filament, size, shape, holder,...
Testing is a powerful method for finding errors in software programs. This paper will describe the process of mutation testing and how a new approach to this technology benefits the software industry.sudhakar kolla,My number:09819859346
A testing methodology in which two or more program mutations are executed using the same test cases to evaluate the ability of the test cases to detect differences in the mutations.sudhakar kolla,My number:09819859346
alpha testing is done in customer like environment.It is done before the release of the product to the customer.beta testing is done in customer in developed environment. It is done after IT reaches to the customer.sudhakar kolla,My number:09819859346
Alpha testing is conducted by customer side people(model customers) before releasing the build to the end users in the presence of developers,they will find any defects are there means wheather i...
Well, its simple, stubs are dummy programs that will behave like the C module, this Stub will be integrated with the B and D it will give user an impression that C module in thi...
i can create our own user defined functions in a "Note Pad" and save the file with an extension filename.vbs, then inculde this as a libarary file in QTP tool, thereby we can use the functions in the tool.
Integration Testing :Units are combined and module is exercised, focus is on interface between units . ( Top down & Bottom up approach )According to me integration testing can be performed in...
Integration Testing :Testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function together correctly.According to me integration testing can be performed in white box environment and blac...
HiPreparation of Test cases and Execution is purely depends on the Functionality.For simple functionality you may execute 50 test cases and analuze the resultsFor critical functionality you may not ex...
Oct 5th, 2006
Hi,what i think is estimation of test case (Making n Execution) should be made on the bases of:1) Amount of time avl.2) Covering complete functionality .3) And all the other important factors in the applicationplz correct me if i am wrong!!
If developer is smart enough just rename the imageB as ImageA and remove the ImageA from the server so applicaion will load ImageB (Now ImageA).Other wise you have to go through all the pages and verify that the image and Source file of image is the same as ImageB
Oct 10th, 2006
Hello.........this problem can be solved by image comparison in winrunner.
Test cases:1)The shape must be a closed one with three straight lines.2)Sum of the 3 internal angles must be 180 degrees.3)All the sides can be equal,two sides can be equal.
May 19th, 2006
1. All sides are equal2. Any 2 sides of a triangle are equal3. Sum of two sides of a triangle equals to the third side 4. One/Two/Three sides of a triangle is 05. Non-integer value