Testing a web based application manually
What are the important points to be considered while testing a web based application manually?
How to find the current version of Unix OS?
Like in DOS we use ver command, then what is in Unix, this I was asked in an interview on testing
hi every one, can any one please answer to this questions. these questions were asked in an interview.1.What type of metrics would you use?2.Discuss what test metrics u feel r important to publish an organization?3.Do u know of metrics that help u to estimate the size of the testing effort?4.What is the role of the metrics in comparing staff performance in human resource management?
Context driven testing, exploration or specification driven testing
hi every one, can any one please answer to this questions. these questions were asked in an interview.1.What is API?2.What is context driven testing?3.What is exploration or specification driven testing?
QA analyst certifications
Can anybody suggest QA certifications other than ISQT.I am working in California now as QA analyst so,can anyone suggest any good certifications which are helpful in my carrier growth.
Assignment- How can I write test cases for Trading & Accounting Software for a CA firm?
They have a hierarchy, where main module and sub-module is defined. It takes actions accordingly. It generates more options and accordingly report. But no clue?
Testing Interview Questions
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