Hi1.The RapidTest Script wizard is not available when you work in GUI MapFile per Test mode.2. when the Terminal Emulator,the WebTest or the Java add-in is loaded.
Mar 22nd, 2006
when you open the winrunneryou are not enable the web addin in Addin_manager menuwhen you enable the web addin this error is not shownwhile loading winrunner we must add all default addins
Hi,OpenSTA is a distributed software testing architecture. The main feature of OpenSTA is web (HTTP and HTTPS) performance and load/stress testing.?It allows you to record different usage patterns ...
With a phased rollout, you deploy the software to one or more groups to determine if the deployment plan and tool is working as expected. You may start with a small group and then expand to large...
Sep 7th, 2006
Phase Roll Out: In any project life cycle there are different kinds of phases...Here in each phase we have the time lines to complete that p...
I think UAT can be done by the project team as well as the target users but CAT is done only by the Customer or the End user who has to use the software.UAT can be done at the development site but CAT is done at customers or end users location
Apr 13th, 2007
UATUser Accpectance Test, is nothing but testing the project in customer environment, customer databaseCATCustomer Accpectance Test, is a test done after release of project to end user, wheather it is working proper or not.
Testing of Web applications on various Browsers s.a IE6,IE7,Firefox,Safari etc.It includes all web testing related tasks s.a UI, Links or Web Buttons etc.Proxy and Security testing is also part of itIn gist Compatibility of application with various Browsers
Apr 12th, 2006
Cross browser testing - application tested with different browser for usablity testing & compactiablity testing
TEST PLAN: Large and complex projects employ a number of testers where each one is responsible for specific functional areas. Due to the complexity of these p...
May 10th, 2006
Actually there is no major difference in Mater test plan(MTP) and test plan (TP) as such.Ideally most of the organization do not go for MTP as long it is not needed primary reason being testing teams ...
1) The person responsible for preparing the Requirements Traceability Matrix and mapping requirements to test cases vary between company and project. In my company, the tester performs this task...
May 2nd, 2006
It is prepared by the Project Manager however subsequently Updatations/changes are done by the particular Module Leader who is working on that particular requirement.The Traceability Matrix has the fo...
The nature of time is dynamic, so the term 'Dynamic Time' seems a bit redundant. Therefore, I'm not sure exactly what you are asking here. However, there are circumstances in t...
praveen reddy Bayana
Apr 16th, 2007
Dynamic? testing is nothing but,testing the application by running the processit is done in every web application,(by checking all items are working proper or not
HI we conduct load test to estimate how the application responds when no.of users using the that application. so these no.of users are called losd size
If developer naming the bug as a pending Reject. Tester can reopen it, provide instances of the Bug. Bug seviourity & dependability should be mentioned while reporting it Bug seviority& dependability will also decide, programer should accept or reject.
1)Everytime when tester acknowledge it is a bug,he/she has to take snap-shot of this on safer side .2)If you are sure,its a bug,Try to reproduce and to in front of your test lead .3)Mail to resp...
An use case is a functional & sytem requirement of how a user (or another system)uses the system being designed to perform a given task . A Use case can provide a powerful means of communication b...
Use case's are the functional description of each and every feature,how the user is supposed to use in the application/product. It is not mandatory to use use case's to derive test...
BRS is nothing but initial requirements of the client, but the requirement doc is nothing but high level interaction between people of client and businesspeople of our organization.
Jul 5th, 2006
BR nothing but client requirements,This doc gives overview of entire application.
I am going to visialize the data. Before visualization I need to validate the data. I never did this task before. Can someone please help me how to validate the data and what are the best options.
Jul 26th, 2006
I think data validation testing means checking wether entered data is valid or not. Eg: for name field all numbers are not allowed. this is one validation. so to test validation u can use "Data Driver...
I have several questions:1) Is this an inbound or outbound call center?2) What industry does this call center serve?3) What is this call center used for?Let's assume it is an inbound call cen...
Jul 22nd, 2006
Case #2:OutBound Callcenter1.If the Timezone r after 9.00 o clock stop calling2.If one Timezone is > 9.00 o'clk then start calling next zones
YES , The cyclomatic complexity of a software module is calculated from a connected graph of the module (that shows the topology of control flow within the program):Cyclomatic complexity (CC) = E - N ...
The testing starts in SDLC as after coding , actually the testing process is starts from Reviewing the requirement documents.
Aug 7th, 2006
Ans:-Use case are nothing but analized document of URS(user requirement specification). Use case document is also known as SRS(software requirement specification).Test Case:- Test case is described ab...
SQA = Software Quality Analysis - This is done to check wether the s/w development and testing bothe are going as per the SRS.This is Important criteria to save the time, maintain the effeciency and t...
Integration Testing : It involves both software integration and system integration.In V-model - After Unit testing, s/w integration testing comes in which Units are integrated into modules and testing...
The above answers are good,Also we have to remember that 100% bug free product cannot be assured or submitted to client. If any major critical bugs are found by the client with Functionality or t...
Hi It's right what our frends said, and one more thing is also to be considered. Here we've to verify is any developer had worked on the related file (In which bug is arise), I mean after delivery and if the project is under mainataince.srinivas (srinivasulub1981@gmail.com)