If the object does not have a name then what will be the logical name?
If the object does not have a name then the logical name could be the attached text.
How do you make the configuration and mappings permanent?
The mapping and the configuration you set are valid only for the current WinRunner session. To make the mapping and the configuration permanent, you must add configuration statements to your startup test script.
What is the purpose of obligatory and optional properties of the objects?
For each class, WinRunner learns a set of default properties. Each default property is classified “obligatory” or “optional”. i. An obligatory property is always learned (if it exists). ii. An optional property is used only if the obligatory properties do not provide unique identification of an object. These optional properties are stored in a list. WinRunner selects...
How do you find out which is the start up file in WinRunner?
The test script name in the Startup Test box in the Environment tab in the General Options dialog box is the start up file in WinRunner.
What is the purpose of different record methods 1) Record 2) Pass up 3) As Object 4) Ignore.
Record instructs WinRunner to record all operations performed on a GUI object. This is the default record method for all classes. (The only exception is the static class (static text), for which the default is Pass Up.) b. Pass Up instructs WinRunner to record an operation performed on this class as an operation performed on the element containing the object. Usually this element is a window,...
In a situation when obligatory and optional both the properties cannot uniquely identify an object what method WinRunner applies?
In cases where the obligatory and optional properties do not uniquely identify an object, WinRunner uses a selector to differentiate between them. Two types of selectors are available: i. A location selector uses the spatial position of objects. ii. An index selector uses a unique number to identify the object in a window.
What is the name of custom class in WinRunner and what methods it applies on the custom objects?
WinRunner learns custom class objects under the generic “object” class. WinRunner records operations on custom objects using obj_ statements.
What do you verify with the GUI checkpoint for single property and what command it generates, explain syntax?
You can check a single property of a GUI object. For example, you can check whether a button is enabled or disabled or whether an item in a list is selected. To create a GUI checkpoint for a property value, use the Check Property dialog box to add one of the following functions to the test script: i. button_check_info ii. scroll_check_info iii. edit_check_info iv. static_check_info v. list_check_info...
How do you handle dynamically changing area of the window in the bitmap checkpoints?
The difference between bitmaps option in the Run Tab of the general options defines the minimum number of pixels that constitute a bitmap mismatch
What do you verify with the database check point custom and what command it generates, explain syntax?
When you create a custom check on a database, you create a standard database checkpoint in which you can specify which properties to check on a result set. b. You can create a custom check on a database in order to: i. check the contents of part or the entire result set ii. edit the expected results of the contents of the result set iii. count the rows in the result set iv. count the columns...
What do you verify with the sync point for object/window bitmap and what command it generates, explain syntax?
You can create a bitmap synchronization point that waits for the bitmap of an object or a window to appear in the application being tested. b. During a test run, WinRunner suspends test execution until the specified bitmap is redrawn, and then compares the current bitmap with the expected one captured earlier. If the bitmaps match, then WinRunner continues the test. Syntax: obj_wait_bitmap...
What do you verify with the sync point for screen area and what command it generates, explain syntax?
For screen area verification we actually capture the screen area into a bitmap and verify the application screen area with the bitmap file during execution Syntax: obj_wait_bitmap(object, image, time, x, y, width, height);
How do you edit the expected value of an object?
We can modify the expected value of the object by executing the script in the Update mode. We can also manually edit the gui*.chk file which contains the expected values which come under the exp folder to change the values.
How do you edit checklist file and when do you need to edit the checklist file?
WinRunner has an edit checklist file option under the create menu. Select the “Edit GUI Checklist” to modify GUI checklist file and “Edit Database Checklist” to edit database checklist file. This brings up a dialog box that gives you option to select the checklist file to modify. There is also an option to select the scope of the checklist file, whether it is Test specific...
How do you handle ActiveX and Visual basic objects?
WinRunner provides with add-ins for ActiveX and Visual basic objects. When loading WinRunner, select those add-ins and these add-ins provide with a set of functions to work on ActiveX and VB objects.
How do you create ODBC query?
We can create ODBC query using the database checkpoint wizard. It provides with option to create an SQL file that uses an ODBC DSN to connect to the database. The SQL File will contain the connection string and the SQL statement.
How do you convert a database file to a text file?
You can use Data Junction to create a conversion file which converts a database to a target text file.
Explain Get Text checkpoint from object/window with syntax?
We use obj_get_text (<logical_name>, <out_text>) function to get the text from an object b. We use win_get_text (window, out_text [, x1, y1, x2, y2]) function to get the text from a window.
How do you handle pop-up exceptions?
A pop-up exception Handler handles the pop-up messages that come up during the execution of the script in the AUT. TO handle this type of exception we make WinRunner learn the window and also specify a handler to the exception. It could be i. Default actions: WinRunner clicks the OK or Cancel button in the pop-up window, or presses Enter on the keyboard. To select a default handler, click the...
How do you maintain the document information of the test scripts?
Before creating a test, you can document information about the test in the General and Description tabs of the Test Properties dialog box. You can enter the name of the test author, the type of functionality tested, a detaileddescription of the test, and a reference to the relevant functional specifications document.
Winrunner Interview Questions