What is a compile module?
A compiled module is a script containing a library of user-defined functions that you want to call frequently from other tests. When you load a compiled module, its functions are automatically compiled and remain in memory. You can call them directly from within any test. b. Compiled modules can improve the organization and performance of your tests. Since you debug compiled modules before using...
What actually happens when you load GUI map?
When we load a GUI Map file, the information about the windows and the objects with their logical names and physical description are loaded into memory. So when the WinRunner executes a script on a particular window, it can identify the objects using this information loaded in the memory.
How do you modify the logical name or the physical description of the objects in GUI map?
You can modify the logical name or the physical description of an object in a GUI map file using the GUI Map Editor.
How do you find an object in an GUI map.
The GUI Map Editor is been provided with a Find and Show Buttons. i. To find a particular object in the GUI Map file in the application, select the object and click the Show window. This blinks the selected object. ii. To find a particular object in a GUI Map file click the Find button, which gives the option to select the object. When the object is selected, if the object has been learned to...
What different actions are performed by find and show button?
To find a particular object in the GUI Map file in the application, select the object and click the Show window. This blinks the selected object. To find a particular object in a GUI Map file click the Find button, which gives the option to select the object. When the object is selected, if the object has been learned to the GUI Map file it will be focused in the GUI Map file.
How do you filter the objects in the GUI map?
GUI Map Editor has a Filter option. This provides for filtering with 3 different types of options. i. Logical name displays only objects with the specified logical name. ii. Physical description displays only objects matching the specified physical description. Use any substring belonging to the physical description. iii. Class displays only objects of the specified class, such as all the push...
How do you clear a GUI map files?
We can clear a GUI Map file using the “Clear All” option in the GUI Map Editor.
How do you copy and move objects between different GUI map files?
We can copy and move objects between different GUI Map files using the GUI Map Editor. The steps to be followed are: i. Choose Tools > GUI Map Editor to open the GUI Map Editor. ii. Choose View > GUI Files. iii. Click Expand in the GUI Map Editor. The dialog box expands to display two GUI map files simultaneously. iv. View a different GUI map file on each side of the dialog box by clicking...
How do you select multiple objects during merging the files?
Use the Shift key and/or Control key to select multiple objects. To select all objects in a GUI map file, choose Edit > Select All.
Winrunner Interview Questions