What are the steps of creating a data driven test?
The steps involved in data driven testing are: i. Creating a test ii. Converting to a data-driven test and preparing a database iii. Running the test iv. Analyzing the test results.
How do you comment your script?
We comment a script or line of script by inserting a ‘#’ at the beginning of the line.
How do you create parameterize SQL commands?
A parameterized query is a query in which at least one of the fields of the WHERE clause is parameterized, i.e., the value of the field is specified by a question mark symbol ( ? ). For example, the following SQL statement is based on a query on the database in the sample Flight Reservation application: i. SELECT Flights.Departure, Flights.Flight_Number, Flights.Day_Of_Week FROM Flights Flights...
What do you verify with the sync point for object/window property and what command it generates, explain syntax?
Synchronization compensates for inconsistencies in the performance of your application during a test run. By inserting a synchronization point in your test script, you can instruct WinRunner to suspend the test run and wait for a cue before continuing the test.b. You can a synchronization point that instructs WinRunner to wait for a specified object or window to appear. For example, you can...
What check points you will use to read and check text on the GUI and explain its syntax?
You can use text checkpoints in your test scripts to read and check text in GUI objects and in areas of the screen. While creating a test you point to an object or a window containing text. WinRunner reads the text and writes a TSL statement to the test script. You may then add simple programming elements to your test scripts to verify the contents of the text. b. You can use a text checkpoint...
How do you handle TSL exceptions?
A TSL exception enables you to detect and respond to a specific error code returned during test execution. b. Suppose you are running a batch test on an unstable version of your application. If your application crashes, you want WinRunner to recover test execution. A TSL exception can instruct WinRunner to recover test execution by exiting the current test, restarting the application, and continuing...
Write and explain switch command?
A switch statement enables WinRunner to make a decision based on an expression that can have more than two values. It has the following syntax: switch (expression ) { case case_1: statements case case_2: statements case case_n: statements default: statement(s) } b. The switch statement consecutively evaluates each case expression until one is found that equals the initial expression. If...
Write and explain decision making command?
You can incorporate decision-making into your test scripts using if/else or switch statements. i. An if/else statement executes a statement if a condition is true; otherwise, it executes another statement. It has the following syntax: if ( expression ) statement1; [ else statement2; ] expression is evaluated. If expression is true, statement1 is executed. If expression1 is false, statement2...
Explain the following commands:
db_connect i. to connect to a database db_connect(<session_name>, <connection_string>); b. db_execute_query i. to execute a query db_execute_query ( session_name, SQL, record_number ); record_number is the out value. c. db_get_field_value i. returns the value of a single field in the specified row_index and column in the session_name database session. db_get_field_value ( session_name,...
Explain Get Text checkpoint web text checkpoint with syntax?
We use web_obj_text_exists function for web text checkpoints. web_obj_text_exists ( object, table_row, table_column, text_to_find [, text_before, text_after] ); object The logical name of the object to search. b. table_row If the object is a table, it specifies the location of the row within a table. The string is preceded by the character #. c. table_column If the object is a table, it specifies...
What is the use of putting call and call_close statements in the test script?
You can use two types of call statements to invoke one test from another: i. A call statement invokes a test from within another test. ii. A call_close statement invokes a test from within a script and closes the test when the test is completed. iii. The call statement has the following syntax: 1. call test_name ( [ parameter1, parameter2, ...parametern ] ); iv. The call_close statement has the...
What is the use of treturn and texit statements in the test script?
The treturn and texit statements are used to stop execution of called tests. i. The treturn statement stops the current test and returns control to the calling test. ii. The texit statement stops test execution entirely, unless tests are being called from a batch test. In this case, control is returned to the main batch test. b. Both functions provide a return value for the called test. If...
Record a data driven test script using data driver wizard?
You can use the DataDriver Wizard to convert your entire script or a part of your script into a data-driven test. For example, your test script may include recorded operations, checkpoints, and other statements that do not need to be repeated for multiple sets of dat
Capture object in web application in WinRunner
Opened browser with this URL 'www.geekinterview.com'After that how can i capture object in web application browser.Through recording i am able to get only 'html_frame' object only.Explain how can i proceed for capturing object in web application?
set_window("Browser Window",2);
Can any body helpme out to resolve the issue...
Thanks In Advance,
">I have Win Runner 7.5 scripts working fine for my project with IE 6.0 on one server.I installed opera and un-installed on the same server. Now, the existed scripts with IE 6.0 is not working fine.Win Runner is not identifying may objects and some windows.Ex- earlierset_window("4D Parts Universe",2);web_link_click("Login");now,set_window("Browser Window",2);web_link_click("Login");Can any body helpme out to resolve the issue...Thanks In Advance,kalpana
Winrunner Interview Questions