Test Cases Interview Questions

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    How to test for security testing in case of web applications.?


    • Dec 6th, 2011

    Scenario 1: --------------- 1. Login to web application by providing credentials 2. Now logout from the application and click on browser back arrow Result: It should not redirect to User home page Sc...

    Nitin Sharma

    • Nov 4th, 2011

    TC1>Login into website the logout ,it should successfully logout. TC2>Login into a particular browser like FF and then copy URL and paste it on another browser like chrome,it shouldn't display the si...


    Write the test cases for File Transfer ?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 26th, 2009


    1) Transfer an empty file
    2) Transfer a file with one character
    3) Transfer a file with maximum number of characters
    4) Transfer a file that exceeds maximum number of characters by 1 (max+1)
    5) Transfer a file that is less than maximum number of characters by 1 (max-1)
    6) Transfer a file that contains the entire ASCII character set
    7) Transfer a file that contains the entire UTF-8 character set
    8) Transfer a file that contains the entire Unicode character set
    9) Transfer a file that contains the entire Unicode big endian character set

    Verify speed of file transfer meets specification

    1) send file
    2) navigate to the file destination,
    3) verify the file is transferred to proper target destination,
    4) verify the filename has not changed,
    5) verify the file's size has not changed,
    6) open the file and
    7) verify that the contents had been transferred without changes.  


    • Nov 30th, 2011

    Adding to Kurtz answer.. Functional: Every file transfer mode can handle a specified limit of files at a time. Keeping this requirements in mind, check the behavior for - Upload files exceeding the ...


    • Dec 26th, 2009

    TEST CASESFUNCTIONAL1) Transfer an empty file 2) Transfer a file with one character3) Transfer a file with maximum number of characters4) Transfer a file that exceeds maximum number of characters by 1...


    How can we write a good test case?


    • Nov 3rd, 2011

    @ everyone who is posting unrelated questions within answer thread

    Your acts are really annoying. Please use the correct forum to post your questions and get quick answers. How difficult it that?

    Anyhow here is a link to a great paper : http://www.kaner.com/pdfs/GoodTest.pdf


    Which documents are used to write system test cases?

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    • Member Since May-2010 | Sep 28th, 2010

    To write System Test case document we will need the business req spec or customer req spec. The BRS or CRS contains the requirements at the business level and not very detailed like the documents created after the BRS/CRS.

    eg: when you open an inbox you should be able to see the recieved mails, when you send a mail, it shuld be stored in sent items. this requiremnts contains many test scenarios. and requriemsnt going down the line will be detailed.


    • Nov 1st, 2011

    Tester will start write the test case based on Use case document or Software Requirement specification document or Wireframes. Its all depend upon the document provided by client.


    How to write a test case for pen?


    • Oct 12th, 2011

    test case for pen: Here scenario for pen 1. Give the pen name 2. Type what the quality of pen 3. Type what kind of pen it is whether it is ball pen or ink pen 4. If it is ink pen means what is us...


    On which test cases should regression testing be performed?

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    • Member Since Oct-2011 | Oct 17th, 2011

    Re-testing is testing the failed test cases and the bugs that have been fixed in current build. Regression testing is done to make sure the "bug fixes" do not affect the surrounding code (features). So the test case selection really focuses on which feature were affected by bugs. Lets take an example: Suppose you are testing a banking application (everyone does online banking these days) and you found a bug in checking account feature. Say the bug is about amount not automatically adjusted after money is credited by State Bank (specifically) to checking account. When this bug is fixed, you need to run test cases pertaining to different type of checking account credits etc need to be run again even thought they have passed.


    • Oct 17th, 2011

    Re-testing is testing the failed test cases and the bugs that have been fixed in current build. Regression testing is done to make sure the "bug fixes" do not affect the surrounding code (features). ...


    Test cases for check box

    How to write test cases for Check boxes?Give some sample test cases.Give some sample test cases for drop down list box in a GUI.

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 13th, 2009


    1) Physical location and arrangement on page
    2) Labels associated with each check box
    3) Check box grouping follows requirement and makes sense
    4) Initial focus and tab order
    5) Active or inactive state (grayed out) per business rules
    6) Can check and uncheck boxes
    7) Validation when controls are required for submission
    8) Corresponding data is successfully captured in database
    9) Controls follow state management rules when navigating between pages


    1) Physical properties (location, height, width)
    2) Corresponding label
    3) Initial focus and tab order
    4) Displays all items without truncations
    5) Can select and submit only one item in the list at any given time
    6) Validation when control is required for submission
    7) Each item in list is selectable and can be submitted
    8) Corresponding data is sucessfully captured in database
    9) Control follows state management rules when navigating between pages

    Srikanth Dasuri

    • Aug 30th, 2011

    1) check the availability of the check box on application.
    2) check the functionality of check box by Enabling.
    3) check the functionality of check box by Disabling.


    • Dec 13th, 2009

    CHECK BOXES1) Physical location and arrangement on page2) Labels associated with each check box3) Check box grouping follows requirement and makes sense4) Initial focus and tab order5) Active or inact...


    Write test cases for copy & paste in MS Word

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    • Member Since Jul-2009 | Aug 29th, 2009

    Testcase for Cut / Paste in Word Format
    1.Check whether we are typed something in many fields
    2.Check whether we can select  by clicking and dragging
    3.Check whether we are dragging it displays to be covered with some highlighted colors
    4.Check whether we can copy the highlighted field by pressing Ctrl+x
    5.Check whether we cut the field it cannot  shows the cutted one
    6.Check whether we can paste the cut by selecting Ctrl+v
    7.Check whether the field we cut and pasted is correct

    Testcase for Copy / Paste in Word Format
    1.Check whether we are typed something in many fields
    2.Check whether we can select  by clicking and dragging
    3.Check whether we are dragging it displays to be covered with some highlighted colors
    4.Check whether we can copy the highlighted field by pressing Ctrl+x
    5.Check whether we copied field it cannot  shows the selected one
    6.Check whether we can paste the cut by selecting Ctrl+v
    7.Check whether the field we cut and pasted is correct


    • Aug 24th, 2011

    * verify the some text is present in ms word *verify that text is selected by mouse/Ctrl +a *verify the selected right click on text and then select copy or Ctrl +c *verify the selected text is activ...


    • Aug 16th, 2011

    1 open new ms word doc 2 default ms word file should be blank 3 check the new option in word doc 4 check the save option 5 check save as 6 check close 7 check the edit file and write some thi...


    How to write test cases in oracle application projects?

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    Answered by: Surya Kumar Reddy

    • Aug 1st, 2011

    Test cases should be derived from business requirements of the client. - Read through the business requirements clearly and then look at the configuration of the oracle apps. This would help understand the way requirements are mapped in the oracle application. - Once the mapping is understood clearly, writing test cases would just be an offset of the step 1. Test cases should bring out each and every business requirement of the client. - Few test cases will be needed to test the intended functionality of the product. These must be included in the test cases mandatory apart from business req's driven test cases.

    Surya Kumar Reddy

    • Aug 1st, 2011

    Test cases should be derived from business requirements of the client. - Read through the business requirements clearly and then look at the configuration of the oracle apps. This would help understa...


    • Aug 13th, 2009

    As a Tester we should know that there is not a any difference in writing Test cases for Java,.net or like Oracle these are only the platforms based upon this only the application is built we are going to test only in the front end of the application not on the coding so it doesn`t matter


    How do you test a television?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 12th, 2009

    1) adherence to brand
    2) packaging
    3) operating manual
    4) set-up
    5) menu navigation
    6) parental controls
    7) visual performance adjustments
    8) audio performance adjustments
    9) visual modes (ex: picture in picture)
    10) channel selection and sensitivity
    11) ease of use
    12) power supply
    13) visual quality and adherence to standards
    14) audio quality and adherence to standards
    15) stress
    16) environmental factors
    17) interfaces
          - remote control
          - local antennae
          - cable box

    Rakesh Kumar Singh

    • Jul 29th, 2011

    1.Check the connection of wire and current flow. 2.Check that input voltage 230v /50 Hz and it should display the clear picture after providing the supply. 3.Power should be on within specified period...


    • Dec 12th, 2009

    1) adherence to brand2) packaging3) operating manual4) set-up5) menu navigation6) parental controls7) visual performance adjustments8) audio performance adjustments9) visual modes (ex: picture in pict...


    Test Case Design for Website File Uploading

    Design a test case for a website feature "user upload PPT file to the web server".After uploading a PPT file, and then download it. How do you test the file is the same as the one you uploaded?

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    Answered by: Jax

    • Jul 15th, 2011

    1-Access the website 2-Verify the Click on user link(through where you need to open upload the file) 3-Verify the pop up window or text box appeared for selecting the file. 4-Verify the correct PPT file 5-Verify the name of the file 6-Validate that you have clicked on upload button 7-Verify the successfully uploaded message 8-Access the webserver 9-Verify the file uploaded in server.


    • Jul 15th, 2011

    1-Access the website 2-Verify the Click on user link(through where you need to open upload the file) 3-Verify the pop up window or text box appeared for selecting the file. 4-Verify the correct PPT fi...


    • Mar 25th, 2011

    1.We need to?compare the file name of the file uploaded into web server and download file.2.We need to?compare the extension of the file uploaded into web server and download file.3.Verify the file ...


    What are the most important test case for the circle?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 23rd, 2009


    Using simple words that do not imply knowledge of mathematical jargon, I would write these three test cases:

    There is a figure drawn on a piece of paper.

    TC1) It is a closed figure.
    TC2) It has a center point.
    TC3) The distance from center point to closest point on figure is equal in all directions.


    Run the Remaining Steps

    In a Test case, there are totally 15 steps. while on execution 12 steps is failed, Do we need to run the remaining steps 13, 14, 15? Explain


    • Oct 15th, 2011

    Ok, what would you do if step 12 prevents/blocks you from further testing? If it doesn't, then wouldn't you be curious to check what happens at the end?

    Congratulations! you just answered your question! :):)


    How will we prepare test cases

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    • Member Since May-2008 | May 24th, 2008

    Test Case based on the Test Plan. A test case is a document, which contain Test case ID, Title, Test Plan, Test Catagory being conducted, input, action or event, expected output, actual output and Result. As mentioned above, test case based on test plan. It relates to single event or action which must reflets it relation to the module of test plan. This is a work intensive activity with the testing expert doing the writing and with the assistance of the business expert and the development expert.

    A good starting place is to identify some of the smallest or simplest business activities that the new software needs to support and define test cases for each of these activities. Then, define test cases that portray either larger business activities or specific sequences of smaller business activities that tend to

    approximate useful business tasks. Check the software business requirements and

    confirm that you have accounted for all required business activities with your test cases and add test cases for the business activities that are not covered yet by testing.


    • Dec 26th, 2009

    The answer to this question depends on industry, company, the software development model, and project.  In general, you prepare functional test cases by first studying the product or project requ...


    What are the Test Cases for T-Signal ?

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    • Member Since Jul-2009 | Mar 23rd, 2010

    Test cases for T-Signal

    1.check whether it has got 3 colour lights
    2.check whether there must be atleast 2 colour light
    3.check whether it has red colour and green colour
    4.check whether at a time both colour light should not glown
    5.check whether always it should have current
    6.check whether each colour should be glown one after other


    Write test cases for Supermarket Software ?

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    • Member Since Jul-2009 | Jul 12th, 2010

    Test cases for super market : 

    1. To check whether all the product name is displaying or not
    2. To check whether all the product price is entered
    3. To check when the user enters the first letter of the product name itself it must display the products list starting with that letter.
    4. To check whether the product cannot entered without qty
    5.To check when the user gives the qty immediately it must multiply with cost price and must display the result
    6.To check whether at last it must display the total cost along with s.no 
    7. To check each product must show its cost price


    Write test cases for printing Single Linked List and Double Linked List ?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 31st, 2009


    Node A points to node C ; [NODE A]---->[NODE C]
    Node B is an insertion node;  Insert [NODE B]

    Test cases:

    TC1) You can insert [NODE B] after [NODE A]
    TC2) You can not insert [NODE B] before [NODE A]
    TC3) [NODE A] points to [NODE B] after insertion
    TC4) [NODE B] points to [NODE C] after insertion
    TC5) You can remove [NODE B]
    TC6) [NODE A] points to [NODE C] after removal


    Nodes A and C point to one another; [NODE A]<---->[NODE C]
    Node B is an insertion node;   Insert [NODE B]

    Test cases:

    TC1) You can insert [NODE B] after [NODE A]
    TC2) You can insert [NODE B] before [NODE A]
    TC3) [NODE A] and [NODE B] point to one another after insertion
    TC4) [NODE B] and [NODE C] point to one another after insertion
    TC5) You can remove [NODE B]
    TC6) [NODE A] and [NODE C] point to one another after removal


    How will you write testcase for a quadratic equation ?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 13th, 2009

    The quadratic equation is a polynomial of the second degree. 
    Its general form is
                          ax^2 + bx + c = 0

    where x represents a variable and a, b, and c are constants.
    I would study the functional requirements and technical specifications and create test cases based on my knowledge. The requirements might include the following features:

    1) Text which describes the quadratic equation and how to use the application.
    2) A graphical representation of the quadratic function.
    3) Text which decribes the first and second root of the equation.
    4) Text which describes the equation's descriminant.

    I will assume the requirements indicate that the application simply solves for x when all of the constants are input into the equation.  I will also assume there is no

    graphical representation supplied by the application. In this case, I would do the following:

    1) Enter valid data in all fields and verify result.

    2) Enter valid data in all but one field and invalid numeric data in remaining field and ensure validation.

    3) Enter valid data in all but one field and no data in remaining field and ensure validation.

    4) Enter a = 0 to verify it becomes linear.

    5) Data set should include the following types:
       a) Integers
          - Positive
          - Zero
          - Negative
       b) Decimal (applying greatest number of significant digits)
          - Postive
          - Negative

    6) For each data type, I would
        a) Use boundary value analysis to select input data for all data types.
        b) Use equivalence class partitioning to minimize input data.

    7) Enter alpha characters in all fields and verify validation.

    8) Enter special characters in all fields and verify validation.

    9) On each text box, I would try to enter numbers that extend beyond the range that the text box can accept.


    How will you write a test case for Graph Calculation?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 13th, 2009

    I would study the functional requirements and technical specifications and then I would create test cases based on my knowledge.  In general, I would do the following:

    1) Enter valid data in all fields and verify graph is properly displayed
    2) Enter valid data in all but one field and invalid numeric data in remaining field and ensure validation
    3) Enter valid data in all but one field and no data in remaining field and ensure validation
    3) Use boundary value analysis to select input data
    4) Use equivalence class partitioning to minimize input data
    5) Enter alpha characters in all fields and verify validation
    6) Enter special characters in all fields and verify validation


    • Dec 13th, 2009

    I would study the functional requirements and technical specifications and then I would create test cases based on my knowledge.  In general, I would do the following:1) Enter valid data in all f...


    How to write the test cases of Cut/Paste & Copy/Paste in Excel format.

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    • Member Since Jul-2009 | Jul 14th, 2009

    Testcase for Cut / Paste in Excel format
    1.Check whether we are typed something in many fields
    2.Check whether we can select the 2 rows and 2 columns in excel by clicking and dragging
    3.Check whether we are dragging the field it displays the field to be covered with some highlighted colors
    4.Check whether we can copy the highlighted field by pressing Ctrl+x
    5.Check whether we cut the field it should be blinked
    6.Check whether we can select any field in the excel
    7.Check whether we can paste the cut fields by selecting Ctrl+v
    8.Check whether the field we cut and pasted is correct
    9.Verify whether the old field is empty.


    • Mar 25th, 2011

    First copy one cell, then cut other cell now paste the date in other cell the most recent data should be pastedSelect one cell cut the data and tries to paste in multiple cells. Select one cell copy the data and try to copy in to multiple cells

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