Test cases for check box

How to write test cases for Check boxes?Give some sample test cases.

Give some sample test cases for drop down list box in a GUI.

Questions by vidhyamythili

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 13th, 2009


1) Physical location and arrangement on page
2) Labels associated with each check box
3) Check box grouping follows requirement and makes sense
4) Initial focus and tab order
5) Active or inactive state (grayed out) per business rules
6) Can check and uncheck boxes
7) Validation when controls are required for submission
8) Corresponding data is successfully captured in database
9) Controls follow state management rules when navigating between pages


1) Physical properties (location, height, width)
2) Corresponding label
3) Initial focus and tab order
4) Displays all items without truncations
5) Can select and submit only one item in the list at any given time
6) Validation when control is required for submission
7) Each item in list is selectable and can be submitted
8) Corresponding data is sucessfully captured in database
9) Control follows state management rules when navigating between pages

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Feb 7th, 2008

Verify that the Check box is appearing on the application correctly or not
Validate the functionality of check box by cheking and unchecking 

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Check box:
1. Check the physical location(X.Y Coordinates, Height, Lenght, Width)
2. Should have the Label for the Check box(Identifier) ex: Sex
3. Able to get and lost focus from the other objects(Tab function)
4. Easy to Enable and Disable.(Action)

Drop Down List Box:
1. Check the physical location(X.Y Coordinates, Height, Lenght, Width)
2. Should have the Label for the Drop Down box (Identifier) ex: Country
3. Should able to display the items(elobrate the lenghty item names)
4. Should load the items on page load.
5. Able to get and lost focus from the other objects(Tab function)
6. Able to select one item in the list on selection.
7. Able to select any one item as much choice

1.Check whether it can be selected

2.check whether it can be unselected
3.Check whether all the items can be selected
4.Check whether it cannot accept for none other is selected

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1) Physical location and arrangement on page
2) Labels associated with each check box
3) Check box grouping follows requirement and makes sense
4) Initial focus and tab order
5) Active or inactive state (grayed out) per business rules
6) Can check and uncheck boxes
7) Validation when controls are required for submission
8) Corresponding data is successfully captured in database
9) Controls follow state management rules when navigating between pages


1) Physical properties (location, height, width)
2) Corresponding label
3) Initial focus and tab order
4) Displays all items without truncations
5) Can select and submit only one item in the list at any given time
6) Validation when control is required for submission
7) Each item in list is selectable and can be submitted
8) Corresponding data is sucessfully captured in database
9) Control follows state management rules when navigating between pages

Srikanth Dasuri

  • Aug 30th, 2011

1) check the availability of the check box on application.
2) check the functionality of check box by Enabling.
3) check the functionality of check box by Disabling.

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