Read web page information
How to read the web page information using QTP/Vbscript
Checking background colors
How to check background colors in QTP?
Test Web Application in Offline Mode
How to test a Web Application in Offline Mode in QTP
How to call a test from another test?
To be more descriptive how to call an action which is saved in one test, from another action without doing insert call to copy or existing action. Say for instance, my action is stored in one test in my local system and if someone else wants to call that action from his system, How will that be done by scripting?
QTP Script for runtime changing objects
Hi,How i can write the script for the runtime changing objectsFor Example My webtable name is "Wtable"Its containing n number of links "120 orders" "130 orders" "100 orders".......These orders text will dynamically changing like "120 orders" can be change as "121 orders"In this how can i write code for click these links in this webtableFirst i count the child objects in "WTable"Its now written 3It...
How to write a function for Maximising a Browser in QTP ?
Hi QTP Experts, how to write a function for Maximising a Browser in QTP I'm already having function for that but it's taking very slow to access the browser im pasting my function belowhwnd = Browser("...").GetROProperty("hwnd")Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Maximize And also I'm having different function but its for making the browser as full screen not maximising the Browser as if like if we press F12...
How to recognize the page in QTP?
Suppose there is a link on a web page. On clicking that link, 6 different web pages open in separate browser windows. The title of the page changes at run time. There is a text box on the sixth page. The name of the text box also changes at runtime.Requirement:Write a piece of code to access the text box and fill in your name in it.
How to type a value in Web Edit?
Is there any other way other than Set property? If I use set property, it is not accepting, it requires value from keyboard.
QTP Interview Questions