QTP 8.2 VS IE 7
Can anyone tell me if QTP 8.2 and IE 7 are compatible and if not how can i go about it to be able to use my QTP 8.2 version. thanks.
How to Delete a check points Associated files in QTP
Hi Guys, Im using checkpoints in my test(QTP 9.2) but sometimes i may delete the Checkpoints by deleting the scripts Is there any location for checkpoints files to be deleted even after deleting the scripts if so pls help me in this because its hiding in the Obj Repository Thanks in advance,Prabhu.R
QTP Check Points
Hi,i am using qtp 9.0 for web testing.I have local and online web pages. Ex. "http//local", "http//online"both are same web pagesnow i want to test these two web siteshow i use the check points for these purposeHow i check the web pages images, links, navigation's , page load times and other thingsPlz anybody help to do this testing.ThxPunitha.R
QTP Interview Questions