Test New Requirements
With in couple of days your project is going to be released and your tough clinet has given new requirements today. In which you have to test the flow of your project to assure its bug free and also to test the new requirements. What is your approach if you were a team lead?
Issue from the client
Q.If client finds an issue and sends the screenshot without any description,you try to reproduce the cause but you cannot find any such issue,you test and see that the application is working fine.So what will you do?
Major Defect Before Release
There is release after 2 days, and you found a major defect today. What do you do as a test Lead, in such as situation?
What is your application in your last testing project?
Please can you give me any information about what is your application in your testing project and what is the process.I am looking for a sample project to my interview.
Rejecting the Build
When the build comes to the QA team, what are the parameters to be taken for consideration to reject the build upfront without committing for testing ?
Picking Release
What is picking release?
Youtube Video Stream
How will you test youtube video stream?
Test Case for Auto Insurance Policy
Write sample test case for claim function or scenario for auto insurance policy.
Testing Discussion Interview Questions