Test New Requirements

With in couple of days your project is going to be released and your tough clinet has given new requirements today. In which you have to test the flow of your project to assure its bug free and also to test the new requirements. What is your approach if you were a team lead?

Questions by veenapriyadarshini

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers

As a team lead my approach will be:

Task 1: Functionality and UI testing on New Requirements
Priority: Very High

Task 2: Verify those flows in which user will new functionalities
Priority: High

Task 3: Verify the all other functionalities
Priority: Medium


  • Nov 11th, 2010


As we have to test new requirements, this is a tough task. As major part of testing has already been completed. It's like the whole task has to be started from begining.

In such cases, we have to analyize where exactly the changes have ocurred and thorougly read the requirements of the client once again.

we have to concentrate more on re-testing and regression testing to ensure that the build is working fine and it is not effecting other features.

If necessary use automation tools to test the application.

We can also increase the team size or have to extend the shifts.

Ulitmately client is every thing for us inorder to retain the client.

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  • Nov 17th, 2011

If I were the Test lead, I would do the following:

- I would look at the size of the change - is it big functionality change or small UI change.

- Check if the new requirements pertain to existing features or are they new features altogether. Since you haven't added this little fact, I added this to 'how I would roll.'

- BIG change: If the new requirements pertain to existing feature, I will check which how many test cases need to be altered and how much extra effort is required to do functional testing of the new requirements and regression testing to check if the unaffected features still perform as desired.

- Small change: Again, estimate the extra effort and QA budget required to accommodate this change. If the budget was communicated to the client forehand, I wouldn't worry about it!

- Testing the new functionality would be top priority followed by running end to end business test cases assuming the new requirements altered the business test cases.

- Use effective regression test suit - one that covers scenarios instead of individual test cases - to accommodate this change.

- If automation scripts exist, make use of them to run smoke, sanity and regression tests.

- Re-test all the critical and major bugs related to the changed features assuming the new requirements affect existing features/functionality. This should be done to make sure the fixed bugs have no returned.

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  • Jan 10th, 2013

I will first discuss with the business team and the client about the sev of the new requirement with the current release. If its not a high sev, then will take the new requirement for next release providing information to the client. If its high sev, then will keep discussion with dev about their schedule to develop the same in present application. Based on dev team confirmation about the time required, will extend the schedule of the release liasing with the TM and PM.

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