Play an audible alert/buzz sound on any pop up (RaiseErrorText) in Siebel Open UI
How can we alert a user by an audible pop up message/buzz on any error in Siebel Open UI (IP 2015) ? Is it possible by simple configuration or e-script? I need this implemented for Mozilla Firefox or IE 11 browser. The standard windows buzz is also fine but need to extend the length of this buzz ~ 5- 10 sec when the error message pops up.
Find Destination Field
How to find destination field and how map it to foreign key column. I have confused in that process to find. Why we have to give primary key table in foreign key column?
Format Build
What's the format build?
Assign an activity
How to Assign an activity and send mail to assigned resource
Siebel Dashboard Report Error
If you find error in generating reports where you look in first if the view log fails and connection pool is working fine?
Security in Siebel Analytics
How do you Implement Single Sign On, other than LDAP
Component of server task
Component of Server Task, Choose Threea. Remote Serverb. Transaction Processc. Transaction Routerd. Transaction Merger
Identify Foreign Key
The Row ID 1-ABC of table S_PROD_INT references the column in table S_ASSET of column PROD. The row ID of the relevant record in S_ASSET is 1-XYZ. What is the foreign key in S_ASSET table.a. S_PROD_INTb. 1-ABCc. 1-XYZ
Siebel Reverse Migration
How do you do reverse migration in Siebel?
Workflow Process Scenario
What is workflow process scenario?
Workflow real life scenario
What is workflow real life scenario?
How to modify the Business Component Property "Sort Specification" from the VB Script of a List Applet?
I want modify the order of records of a BC only when I open that List Applet.
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