Synonym without Table
If there no table but we can create a synonym. If it raises error or not. If raises error what error it raises.
Truncate Vs Delete
If a table contains 2 million rows, consider the below scenarios?
- DELETE command to delete just few rows in a 2 million row table.
- TRUNCATE command (will obviously deletes 2 million rows)
Which is faster. Truncate or Delete? -
Why we use Materialized view ?
If it reduce the traffic then please give an example for that one
Write the query
A employee getting variable salary like Jan 3000,Feb 5000,Mar 1000 ,Apr 7000,May 500 write query to display his next salary "increse" or "decrese" as compare to previous month ,three column in the employee table empname ,salarydate,salary ?
In PL/SQL if we write select statement with INTO clause it may return two exceptions NO_DATA_FOUND or TOO_MANY_ROW .To avoid these execeptions. How do you write SQL statement in alternative way?
Passing a Function name in Parameter
Can we pass a function name as a parameter value?? will it have any effect in performance degradation when used in a Large online transaction process?
Oracle Query execution
What is the actual processing being done at backend or server side to retrive the data or complete the DML operation.
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