Hi, If you are using Oracle on Linux, then you cannot use ed or edit command to edit statemets. -Aruna
Mar 22nd, 2006
Can't use ed or edit to edit commands if you use Oracle on Linux?!?That's bull. All you have to do is define _editor; I use SQL*Plus on Linux all the time and edit works fine.
Asim Jamal
Apr 12th, 2006
If you are using Oracle in Unix or Linux ,make an entry in the
glogin.sql file for your default editor.
You will find glogin.sql in OracleHome/sqlplus/admin directory.
Apr 25th, 2007
there are two way u can give:
1) sql> define_Editor = 'Notepad';
2) go to menu editor editor-> define editor-> give the name that u want to appear i.e notepad or wordpad in the text box.
When i type 'ed' or 'edit' in oracle i did n't presented by any editor,what is the problem?
Questions by haisubbu