Send SQL* Plus session output to text file
How do you send the output of your SQL* Plus session to a text operating system file
Data Integrity
How does Oracle guarantee data integrity?
Catch The Error
SQL>DECLARE 2 dayofweek VARCHAR2(200); 3 BEGIN 4 SELECT TO_CHAR(sysdate,'Day') INTO dayofweek FROM DUAL ; 5 6 IF dayofweek = 'Tuesday' 7 THEN 8 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Aloha!!! Today Is Tuesday'); 9 ELSE 10 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Today is '||to_char(sysdate,'Day')); 11 END IF; 12 END; 13 /Today is TuesdayPL/SQL procedure successfully completed.SQL>What's...
Locking a User from performing DML Operation
Which command is used for locking a user from performing DML Operation?
Convert Report to Text File
How to convert Oracle Report into text or doc file?
Stored Procedure Debugging
How to debug stored procedure in Oracle?
Show Busy Cursor
How to show the cursor is busy when any process is going on in Oracle Forms 6i?
Base Table Update
How to update base table (data dictionary) automatically in every 5 sec or 5 min?
Sequence and Indexes
When do we will go for Sequence and when go for Indexes. What is the difference between Sequence and Indexes.
Dictionary Management Tablespaces
How will you change the local management tablespaces into dictionary management tablespaces?
Dynamic SGA
What is Dynamic SGA?What is the advantage of Dynamic SGA?
Tablespace Fragmentation
How can you prevent tablespace fragmentation? (rebuilding, moving)?
Chained / Migrated Rows
Explain about the Chained / Migrated Rows
Oracle Background Processes
Outline the names and function of Oracle background processes
Oracle Segments
What are the different types of segments in Oracle?
Acid Properties
What is Acid Properties in Oracle?
Oracle Dbms Pipe Commands
Give the dbms_pipe commands in oracle of there execution,which are used to send & recieve messages what is the max size can sent at one go
Oracle Unused Column
How to set unused column back to normal column?
Recover data from database block corruption error
How to solve the database block corruption error? even index also validated and recreated and don't have any backup.
Oracle Basics Interview Questions