Editorial / Best Answer
dbms_pipe is a IPC methodology which allows processes to communicate with each other using pipes.
The important functions/procedures in this package are
(1) CREATE_PIPE to create a new pipe
==> dbms_pipe.create_pipe(pipename) where pipename can be Oracle supplied or user defined as below
dbms_pipe.create_pipe(dbms_pipe.unique_session_name) -- Creates a PIPE based on your unique Session ID
pipename constant varchar2(100) := 'TEST_PIPE';
(2) Having created the pipes try sending some data through the pipe. To send data prepare the data using dbms_pipe.pack_message(mesg_buf) where mesg_buf can be varchar2, char, number. Basically this procedure is overloaded for Numbers, Varchar2 and date. For long and raw data use the corresponding DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE_RAW method. This procedure basically places the data into buffer which can be send on any pipe using the dbms_pipe.send_message(pipename) function.
(3) At the other end of the pipe you can receive the data using dbms_pipe.receive_message function. This functions fetches the data into buffer from where you can unpack the data using dbms_pipe.unpack_message function. This function gets the data in the buffer into a message buffer.
These are the basic commands that you can use for working with pipes. For more details visit oracle documentation.
Oracle Dbms Pipe Commands
Questions by rudhra97 answers by rudhra97
Editorial / Best Answer
saginandkishoredbms_pipe is a IPC methodology which allows processes to communicate with each other using pipes.
The important functions/procedures in this package are
(1) CREATE_PIPE to create a new pipe
==> dbms_pipe.create_pipe(pipename) where pipename can be Oracle supplied or user defined as below
dbms_pipe.create_pipe(dbms_pipe.unique_session_name) -- Creates a PIPE based on your unique Session ID
pipename constant varchar2(100) := 'TEST_PIPE';
(2) Having created the pipes try sending some data through the pipe. To send data prepare the data using dbms_pipe.pack_message(mesg_buf) where mesg_buf can be varchar2, char, number. Basically this procedure is overloaded for Numbers, Varchar2 and date. For long and raw data use the corresponding DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE_RAW method. This procedure basically places the data into buffer which can be send on any pipe using the dbms_pipe.send_message(pipename) function.
(3) At the other end of the pipe you can receive the data using dbms_pipe.receive_message function. This functions fetches the data into buffer from where you can unpack the data using dbms_pipe.unpack_message function. This function gets the data in the buffer into a message buffer.
These are the basic commands that you can use for working with pipes. For more details visit oracle documentation.
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