Profiles Options
What are the different types of profiles options while submitting report through SRS window.
Generate HTML file from Oracle
How to create and generate HMTL file from OracleFor Example : Generate a HTML file with all the rows from a table temp
Lexical Parameter
How to use the Lexical Parameter in the Oracle 10g report?
Grey out
How to grey out when one column is selected in D2K forms?
Receive Flat Files from Client
How we will receive the flat files from the Client?
Profie Options and User Exits
Explian What are Profie Options and User Exits
Oracle Forms Validations
Hi Everybody..... 1) My query is like i have a form by name employeetest 2) I a form i have two canvases 3) There are many test_fields and list_items in the canvas 4) What my query is like..... 4a) If i don't fill any of the item or text_filed i need...
Where does the customer information is stored in Oracle Apps tables
When they ask where does the customer information is stored in tables should we say hz_parties or ra_cust
Show report output reocrds in Blue and Black color alternatively
In a report output, How to show reocrds in blue and black color alternatively.
Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions