If the valueset if of type –TABLE then how many tables can we attach in the valueset ?

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  • Aug 23rd, 2005


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Archana Patil

  • Aug 26th, 2005

We can use multiple tables also

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  • Sep 24th, 2005

You can assign only one table for TableValueset. But The where condition depends any number of table valueset using the key word ':$FLEX$'

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  • Oct 1st, 2005

n Number of value set can be used in table type value sets.

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  • Jan 25th, 2006

mr Anwarul Abedin...

could you tell me how?

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Nitin Kanwar

  • Feb 9th, 2006

In the table name field of Validation Table Information for, one can give more than 1 table names with aliases


One can also write a SQL sqery (inline query) refering to more than one table or even union of 2 queries.

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Rajesh Kendhuli

  • Apr 10th, 2006


You can use any number of table  in a table type value set.


Rajesh Kendhuli

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  • Aug 16th, 2007

WE CAN  use multiple tables in table value set in table field we can use the tables and must give the alias names for the tables and in where clause write the join conditions

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  • Apr 5th, 2008

To define validation table information:

    1. Enter the name of the application with which your validation table is registered. Application name and table name uniquely identify your table.
    If you plan to display columns from more than one table in your list of values, you should leave this field blank, since it is effectively ignored in this case.
    2. Enter the name of an application table, view or synonym you want to use as a validation table. If your table is not registered with Oracle Applications, you should type in the entire name of the table you wish to use.
    You can define your value set to display several columns, and these columns may be in different tables. If your columns exist in different tables, you must specify more than one table name, separated by commas, in this field. You may use table aliases if desired. For example, you might enter the following information in this field (using two tables):
fnd_form f, fnd_application a 
    Then, in the Value Column, Description Column, Hidden ID Column, WHERE / ORDER BY, and Additional Columns fields, you would use the corresponding table aliases (for a WHERE clause):
where f.application_id = a.application_id 
    3. Enter the name of the column in your validation table that contains values you want to use to validate a value a user enters for a flexfield segment or a report parameter.
    Your selection of available columns depends on the Format Type you specify, and doesn't necessarily match your Format Type. For example, if you specify a Format Type of Standard Date, you select from those columns that have been registered as Date or Char type columns. Similarly, if you specify a Format Type of Number, you select from only those columns that have been registered as Number or Char type columns. If you specify a format type of Character, however, you see only columns of type Char. The format type you specify in the Format Type field is the format for the segment or parameter value.
    You may use a SQL expression in place of a column name, but you may not use any special bind variables.

Note: If possible, avoid using a SQL expression in place of a column name because support for SQL expressions will be obsolete in a future release.

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