Real time question submitting two concurrent program from back end?
How we submit two concurrent program from backend.if one program is got error out no need to stop the program u need to run second concurrent program..?
Difference between 11i and R12
What were the documents you have prepared during implementation project?
What are the major difference between 11i and R12? -
Purpose of Executable
Why we used compulsory executable in report registration ?
what is the main purpose of executable? -
Blanket Release Data
When we enter a Blanket Release data where it will be stored?
Manadatory User Exits in Oracle Apps Reports
What are the manadatory user exits in Oracle Apps Reports?
Concurrent Managers
How to activate, deactivate and run concurrent managers?
Allow Dynamic Inserts
Why we enable Allow Dynamic Inserts and what is the purpose?
How to restrict the item in INV?