hi,CUSTOM.PLL is an library which exists in TEMPLATE.fmb ,it is an oracle form devloper PL/SQL library , which alows the developers to attach thier own custom code to the oracle applications without...
Bonthu N Reddy
Feb 14th, 2006
Custom Library allows extensions of oracle application modules with out modifying module code Custom Library can fo...
Customization means add or remove some field from form. when we needs to customize the forms, first we transfer the forms from remote server to local m/c and open in developer 6i and customize the for...
It is not mandatory to use the user exits.But it is recommended to use them.User Exits set the Org Context.
V. Venkatabhargav
Nov 17th, 2006
No, it is not mandatory to use SRW Exits or User Exits for reports or forms in Apps, the main intention of using User Exits is when we want to do the computation or calculations or perform some functi...
Go To : http://www.oracleappsblog.com/find for Top 5 Links on the left hand side of the page (you have to scroll down a little to find it or type Top 5 Links on to FIND) just click the third option :Download Oracle AIM Software......Kind Regards,KC Pant
ru bandhavi study 1st class to tenth class in YELLANDU khammam&...
Jan 14th, 2006
yes i hav also came across such an error u hav to set the sequence name for the parameters like check if when u hav defined ur sequence u shud define it for the same category, check ur periods as this...
before multi org existed, we could have only one bussiness group,set of books, legal entity, operating unit in one installation of oracle E-bussiness suite, and now with the multi organisa...
I we want to transfer the data from legacy system to oracle we will use the interfaceshere we have two types of interfaces one is inbound interface and other is outbound interfaceinterface is nothing ...
Sep 27th, 2006
1- Identification (check if the Open interface exists for loading the data into the base tables)2- Create a staging table( having data colums, conditonal colums)3- Load data into staging table4- Creat...
Hi,I Struck up with API used to Create a Value Sets Runtimely.Can u Help Me to know the name of API to Create a values Set Runtimely in Oracle AppsThanksNitin9823564113
set heading offset echo offSet pages 999set long 90000spool C:\TEMP\create_script.sqlselect dbms_metadata.get_ddl('VIEW','AP_INVOICES','APPS') from dual;spool off
mtl_sales_orders is a KFF setup in inventory. the segments enabled typically are (1) Sales order no (2) order source (3) order type. any inventory transactions initiated from OM will have a linka...
Concurrent Managers:$COMN_TOP/admin/scripts/SID_HOST/adcmctl.shps ?ef | grep CPMGR________________________________________From front endConcurrent ->manager->Administrator
Aug 14th, 2006
On Concurrent Manager node type ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR to see if any concurrent request still running or all finished or check in $APPLCSF/$APPLOG/_DD_MM.mgrOracle Apps DBA Xperthttp://teachmeoracle.com
The Workflow is created using the Oracle Workflow Builder which is now a bundled software with Oracle 9i database.Let me know if you have any more question related to Workflow.-Fanish
Oracle Apps DBA define the capability of Concurrent Manager. The concurrent manager might be defined to handle few requests only. Therefore your equest was kept on hold/pending.-Fanish
Dec 25th, 2005
The reason may be like it..1) Other people have set priorty high than ur program. 2) Imcompatible programs are running. 3) Concurrent manager is down.
errbuf:This is out parameter which will through the error messges in to the log file.retcode: This is also out parameter, it will tells the status of the concurrent program.if sucess it wi...
There r 8 types of value sets,they r1. none2.pair3.special4.table5.translatable dependent6. translatable independent7.dependent8.independent
Amit Chintawar
Mar 29th, 2006
Different types of Value sets are,1) Independant- This Value set contains list of values which does not depends on any other value2) Dependant- It contains values which ...
Hi, request sets holds a group of request in a particular sequence. the requests can be reports or procedures. by submitting a single request ,u can run many concurrent programs at once.
Bonthu N Reddy.
Feb 13th, 2006
Request sets define run and print options and possibly parameter values for a collection of reports or c...
The Oracle Accounting Flexfield is the base structure you will use to design your general ledger accounts. Oracle allows you to create flexible multi-segmented account strings.When you setup Oracle Fi...