How can I delete a journal batch that has no journals or lines?
You need to use the Find Batches window to find the Batch on the Enter Journals form. From there, you can delete the batch. The first window that is displayed when you navigate to the Enter Journals form is the Find Journals window. You can not find the Batch using this window, since there are no journals associated with the batch. See Note 1036784.6 for detailed instructions.
Why is the Post button greyed out on the Enter Journals form?
In Release 10.7, you must set the profile option 'Journals: Allow Posting During Journal Entry'. In Release 11, this is controlled with Function Security.
I am trying to submit a batch for posting and receive the error 'APP-8058: This form failed to submit your posting concurrent request. Please ensure that your concurrent manager is running.'
Set the 'Printer' profile option. This profile option must be set to successfully submit most concurrent requests.
Will the history of an old summary template be in Summary Account Inquiry?
NO. When you drop a summary template, and reassign the child values, Summary Account Inquiry does not save the history of the previous accounts.
How many concurrent requests are generated when you run the Add/Delete Summary Program?
4 requests: 1 for the parent and 3 for child accounts.
Does Add/Delete Summary Program dynamically create accounts that meet the summary template criteria?
NO, It just groups the existing accounts to meet the summary template criteria.
Can the "Deleting" status in the Summary Templates screen be reset back to "Current" without actually deleting and reading all the summary account templates?
You cannot update the status via SQL*Plus to "Current". These must be deleted and the summary accounts recreated.
How should you address the maintenance of summary templates when new values are added?
Redefining summary templates can be confusing at times.
Is there a limit on the number of summary accounts which can be created per the Summary Template process?
There are no limits on the amount of accounts which can be created by the Summary Template process however, the more templates created/maintained, the slower the performance of the concurrent programs.
I opened the first period of the New Year without closing the prior year. Will this cause a problem?
No. Closing a period in General Ledger does nothing more than close that period. There is no processing that goes on behind the scenes when you close a period.
Are security rules enforced in posting?
No. Posting is controlled at the user level. A user can post all journals for a set of books or none at all. This is controlled by function security in Release 11 and 11i. In Release 10.7, you can remove the Post form from the user's menu, to restrict posting.
Posting fails with Error 10: Showing unbalanced inter company journal entry, or Error 16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive inter company account. How can I correct this and resubmit the posting?
This is an unbalanced intercompany journal. If automatic intercompany balancing is not enabled for the set of books, you must manually add lines to the journal to balance the companies (balancing segment values). If automatic intercompany balancing is enabled, then one of the following is true: -- An intercompany account has not been defined for...
Scope and Application Interview Questions