Posting fails with Error 10: Showing unbalanced inter company journal entry, or Error 16: Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive inter company account. How can I correct this and resubmit the posting?

This is an unbalanced intercompany journal. If automatic intercompany balancing is not enabled for the set of books, you must manually add lines to the journal to balance the companies (balancing segment values). If automatic intercompany balancing is enabled, then one of the following is true:
          -- An intercompany account has not been defined for one or more balancing segments and dynamic insertion is not enabled for the set of books.
          -- The system is trying to create an account code combination that violates a cross-validation or security rule.
          -- The system is trying to create an account code combination that contains a segment that is disabled or not postable.
          -- An intercompany account combination is disabled or not postable

Note: Error16 can also be caused by a cross validation rule preventing the creation of a suspense account. Suspense logic is always applied before intercompany balancing in posting. If you have unbalanced journal headers in your batch, suspense posting will first try to balance them with the suspense accounts, i.e. making the total header debit = total header credit, and also making the journal entries balanced within the balancing segment values.


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