What is the difference between the commands sleep, wait and killall?
This command is used in UNIX operating system to suspend execution of the system for the specified time limit mentioned in it as parameter.
The general format of sleep command is
sleep no_of_seconds
The sleep suspends the execution of the shell in UNIX operating system for the no_of seconds specified.
For instance
sleep... -
What happens when a compress command is used in UNIX system?
compress command is used for compressing a file that is for making the file size compact so that it becomes small. When a compress command is used in UNIX all the file attributes like the owner of the file and other things remain same except the file size is compressed and the extension of the file becomes .ZThe general syntax for compressing file iscompress filenameFor instance if one like to compress...
Is it possible to create new a file system in UNIX?
Yes, ‘mkfs’ is used to create a new file system.
What is meant by shell layer manager?
Shell layer manager is also called as shl in short. This utility is used for running number of scripts simultaneously at the same time in a single terminal. This utility plays a very important role in UNIX operating system because as we all know UNIX is a multi-programming operating system. So in other words there many be many instances or occurrences in which the users in the UNIX operating system...
Which file holds the list of users that are NOT allowed to use cron ?
Answer: /etc/cron.d/cron.deny
What will the following command do?
$ echo *It is similar to 'ls' command and displays all the files in the currentdirectory.
What is Redirection?
There are 3 types of Redirection.1)Input Redirection2)Output Redirection and3)Error RedirectionInstead of directing the input/output/error from/to the standard devices, we can direct them to/from a file
What does the command “$ls | wc –l > file1” do?
Ls becomes the input to wc which counts the number of lines it receives as input and instead of displaying this count , the value is stored in file1.
What is the difference between cat and more command?
Cat displays file contents. If the file is large the contents scroll off the screen before we view it. So command 'more' is like a pager which displays the contents page by page.
How is the command “$cat file2 “ different from “$cat >file2
Both the commands mean the same , the file file1 is read and its contents are copied to file2
Name the data structure used to maintain file identification?
‘inode’, each file has a separate inode and a unique inode number.
UNIX Interview Questions