Connect Remote Terminals
What is the command to connect to remote terminals?
LINUX Patch / Package
How to apply Patch / Package for LINUX?
Find Files Accessed before 10 minutes
How will you find the files that are accessed before 10 minutes?
How to grep directories
How to grep directories has reached above 80% from the df output using basin grep command.below are the steps i have used
df -h > date.ksh
grep "%" date.ksh >space.ksh
cut -c 40-44,45-80 space.ksh > %.ksh
grep "[80-10][0]%" %.ksh
see the output after above cmd
$ grep "[80-10][0]%" %.ksh
100% /opt/tivoli/tsm
80% /prod/users/edw -
Find First Word of the First Line
How to find first word of the first line of the first ten files?
What is the difference between grep and find commands?
A)provides information on helpb)grep searches in a file whereas find searches for files and directories.c)both a) and b)d) none of the above
Extracting Characters and Mathematical Computation
I have a file with 1 record only and i.e. "Ashish|Bhasin|30000|END", I want to extract the first three characters of the third column and divide it by 10, so in the above case the answer should be 30.
I am using cut command to get 30000 out but not being able to use it further to divide it by 10.
Any bits? -
Searching for file in UNIX
How to search a file in a directory having sub directories having size more than 10MB?
Extract 2 characters in file
Hello,I want to extract 2 characters of the first column of the one file, that file has 19 columns, in bash script.the first column is some thing like this 2005-07-25, and I want to extract 07. I wrote this codeawk '{ print $ substr ($1,6, 2)}, but out put is he whole of the column: 2005-07-25! can you help me?
Masked Code
What is the number of the masked code ee@?
What difference between cmp and diff commands?
cmp - Compares two files byte by byte and displays the first mismatchdiff - tells the changes to be made to make the files identical
What is the difference between > and >> redirection operators ?
Is the output redirection operator when used it overwrites while >> operator appends into the file.
Server Down in LINUX
In LINUX OS if Server goes down, What will you do to restore it back?
UNIX Interview Questions