What are the uses of Reflection?
1. Viewing Metadata.2.Performing type discovery.3.Late binding to methods and properties (dynamic invocation)4.Creating new types at runtime(Reflection EMIT)
What is the use of AutoWireup in asp.net
In which circumstances we have to use this?
How does the cookies work in asp.net?
I want to know the complete follow of the page how it store cookies and user info into session and when it get terminate also is it possible to call in-process application to out-process?
Asp.net code behind pages
When using code behind pages, which library must access file import from asp.net environment
Asp:dropdownlist> tag replaces which of the HTML tags
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) < Option >B) < Select >C) < List >
How do you register a user control?
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) Add Tag prefix, Tag nameB) Add Source, Tag prefixC) Add Src, Tagprefix, Tagname
IsPostBack in ASP.NET
What is the logic behind IsPostBack in Asp.Net, means what and how do the system do when the ispostback properties of page has been occur
ASP.NET Interview Questions