How do you manage states in asp.net application
Skill/Topic: IntermediateA) Session ObjectsB) application ObjectsC) ViewstateD) CookiesE) All of the above
What is the out put of the following codebyte a=200;byte b=100;byte c=a+b;Response.Write ( C );
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) 300B) Compile Time errorC) Run time ErrorD) Just prints “C”
Which objects is used to create foreign key between tables?
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) DataRelationB) DataRelationshipC) DataConstraintD) Datakey
The best way to delimit ASP.Net code from HTML code in your pages is by using --------------- tags.
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) < Body >B) < Head >C) < Script >
Which one of the following namespaces contains the definition for IdbConnection
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) System.Data.InterfacesB) System.Data.CommonC) System.DataD) System.Data.Connection
Select the type Processing model that asp.net simulate
Skill/Topic: IntermediateA) Event-drivenB) StaticC) LinearD) TopDown
Which control supports paging
Skill/Topic: IntermediateA) RepeaterB) DatagridC) BothD) None
What is the size of the session ID
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) 32 bit long stringB) 32 bit long doubleC) 32 bit long characterD) 32 bit long integer
Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data?
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) LoadB) FillC) GetAllD) None
How to open more than one datareader at a time
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) Use different datareader variableB) Use different datareader and connection variableC) Can not be done
The object used by SQL connection to make Security Demands
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) SQLLCientAttributeB) SQLPermissionC) SQLPermissionClientD) SQLClientPermission
Which of the following extension does a webservice file will have
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) .AsmxB) .AspxC) .AscxD) .Resx
Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IIS
Skill/Topic: IntermediateA) SQLISAPI.dllB) SQLXML.dllC) LISXML.dllD) SQLIIS.dll
When a .aspx page is requested from the web server, the out put will be rendered to browser in following format.
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) HTMLB) XMLC) WML
What executable unit gets created when we build an ASP.Net application?
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) . EXEB) . DLLC) . COM
The Asp.net server control, which provides an alternative way of displaying text on web page, is
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) < asp:label >B) < asp:listitem >C) < asp:button >
How do you explicitly kill a user’s session ?
Skill/Topic: IntermediateA) Session.Close ( )B) Session.Discard ( )C) Session.AbandonD) Session.End
ASP.NET Interview Questions